Newsletter Compiler Position

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James Butler

Feb 17, 2011, 7:37:25 PM2/17/11
to chbe-sustainability
   Our long time sustainability newsletter compiler Caroline, will soon be graduating from CHBE and as such needs the next few months to focus on her thesis. So, the sustainability club is looking for somebody to take over this position. The position involves:
    - Once a month, send a reminder e-mail to the newsletter team one week in advance to obtain their respective sections of the newsletter at a specific date and time, preferably a few days before the end of the month. (Obtaining all the different newsletter sections on time can be challenging).
    - Compile news information for the French News, In more details, Take action, and Conferences. A list of informative websites typically used is available. (This should not take more than an hour.)
    - Compile the different sections of the newsletter received all together in one document and reformat the sections for consistency. Check links for content and add links to incomplete sections. Load into a g-mail e-mail and reformat as necessary. (This should not take more than 30 min., specially if the new newsletter form is used.)
   - Send newsletter to chbe sustainability club g-mail account, review and approve it before sending it to everyone.

If you would like to be a part of the newsletter team in this or another function, please let me know.

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