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Sustainability Club Newsletter (November 2010)

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James Butler

Nov 1, 2010, 7:41:50 PM11/1/10
to Sustainability Club
                Sustainability Club Newsletter
Monday November 1st, 2010
 Sustainability News
 Get Involved
 Club Activities
 Newsletter Team:
  • Caroline Cloutier
  • Ali Shafei
  • Rebecca Beaton
  • Resha Sabti
  • James Butler
  • Alexandre Vigneault

Biking in the Rain

James Butler

Winter bike to work week is here. The winter version of this city wide event is definitely less popular than it summer counterpart, and for one main reason - rain. If you bike regularly in Vancouver between the months of November and April you and bound to get rained on. As long as you have some rain gear (gortex not required, bright yellow rain coat will do) biking in the rain really isn't that bad; especially when compared to winter biking in other parts of the country.


Before moving to Vancouver I did my winter biking in Halifax where the weather is much less conducive to winter biking. Some days biking would require a full winter gear as the temperature dipped into the sub -10 degree zone. Other days would require careful navigation of snow banks and black ice. So, consider yourself lucky that for the most part all we have to deal with here in Vancouver is getting a bit wet. So, grab a jacket and some fenders and hit the roads. 

Ten reasons for biking in the rain:
1. Free shower
2. Don't need a water bottle (just open your mouth)
3. Fewer cyclists on the paths/roads
4. Have dry clothes to change into (as opposed to spending the day in wet clothes cause you got soaked waiting for the bus)

5. Get to work faster (cause it's raining)
6. Biking though puddles is fun (but really wet)
7. Really wakes you up
8. Squeeky brakes let pedestrians know you're coming
No sunburns

10. Biking in good weather is for sissies

Sign up for bike to work week here:

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 Sustainability in the News
 Good news

New way of removing excess nitrogen from the environment


Historic International Deal to Protect Nature, Biodiversity


Tidal Power: The Next Wave?


Getting a Grip on CO2: Researchers 'See' How to Capture Carbon Dioxide


Cow Manure Could Help Power the Internet


Mediterranean nations agree to combat climate change

 Bad news

Study sheds new light on how the sun affects the Earth's climate


Global Warming Hysteria: How to Lose Public Support in Just Four Short Years


Delusions, dollars and climate


80 Percent of Global Water Supplies at Risk

 En Francais

Il nous faut créer des milieux où il fait bon vivre


Chez Gaz Métro - Et si le gaz remplaçait l'hydroélectricité à des fins d'exportation ?


Accord "historique" pour protéger la biodiversité de la planète

 In Detail

Pharmaceuticals in the Environment


Computational Sustainability: Computational methods for a sustainable environment, economy, and society


Impossible Sustainability and the Post-political Condition

 Sustainable Habitation

Obama to put solar panels on the White House


Recycled Island will be created from plastic waste in the Pacific Ocean


Zero carbon homes get the green light
 Sustainable Transportation

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 Get Involved
 Take Action

Obama: Grant Permanent Protection to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge


Save Wildlife by Removing Alberta’s Toxic Tailings Ponds


How to publish a green book


How to grow food in strange places - by the experts

GENERATE 2010: ‘Getting it Done’
6 to 9 November 2010, Vancouver, BC, Canada
5th Annual International Conference on “ENGAGING THE OTHER”: The Power of Compassion 
19 to 21 November 2010, Rohnert Park, California, United States
National Carbon Capture and Storage Conference 2010 
28 to 30 November 2010, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Australia
Transitions to Sustainability 
30 November 2010 to 3 December 2010, Auckland, New Zealand
CitiesAlive 2010 - 8th Annual Green Roof & Green Wall Conference 
30 November 2010 to 3 December 2010, Vancouver, BC, Canada
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 UBC Events

1.   Movie: The Age of Stupid – Nov. 4

2.   IRES Seminar Series: Robin Naidoo – Dec. 7

3.   Bike to Work Week! Register your UBC kilometres! – Nov. 1-7

4.  Collaborative science and public management of public grasslands under rapid environmental change – Nov. 9

5.  A Green and Sustainable Solution to Global Phosphorous Depletion – Nov. 17

6.  "Digital Dumping Ground: The Global Trade in Electronic Waste," Van. Inst. Public Lecture - Nov. 6

Movie: The Age of Stupid

·          Date: Nov. 4

·          Location: UBC Norm Theatre

·          Cost: By Donation

·          Organizer: UBC Cinema Politica

·          Details: This is a great film that clearly explains our situation in terms of climate change and how we need to ACT NOW, before it’s too late. Bring a friend who is uninformed about sustainability issues!


IRES Seminar Series: Robin Naidoo

·          Date: Tuesday, Dec. 7, 12-1

·          Location: AERL 120

·          Cost: Free!

·          Organizer: IRES

·          Details: Robin Naidoo is a research scientist with the Conservation Science Program, WWF-US. Naidoo’s work has mostly focused on quantifying, at various scales and contexts, the economic costs and benefits of conservation and how these relate to the distribution of biodiversity. His work on the benefits side (i.e., the ecosystem services that nature provides to society) has led to collaborations with researchers from the Natural Capital Project ( and the Valuing the Arc project (, initiatives that seek to map the value of natural habitats and compare these values to those from alternative land uses. More recently, Naidoo has begun to work with Namibia’s highly successful Community-Based Natural Resource Program, assessing the linkages between biodiversity and communal financial benefits, as well as mapping the wildlife services that are at the core of the program’s focus on livelihoods and conservation.


Bike to Work Week! Register your UBC kilometres!

·          Date: Thursday Nov. 1-7, all day every day

·          Location:

·          Cost: Free!

·          Organizer: TREK UBC

·          Details: Calling all UBC Cyclists!
Sign up for Bike to Work Week and help UBC maintain Vancouver’s top honours for most kms cycled and the highest participation rate. Bike to Work Week promotes commuting by bike. Cycling is a great way to improve your health and also do something good for the environment. Go to to register with a UBC team and begin logging your commutes. There are many great prizes given away throughout the week for those who log their commutes. Participation is encouraged at all UBC campuses. Please contact the TREK Program Centre if you have any questions at


Collaborative science and public management of public grasslands under rapid environmental change

·          Date: Tuesday Nov. 9, 12pm – 1pm

·          Location: AERL Auditorium 2202 Main Mall

·          Cost: free!

·          Organizer: Green College

·          Details: In this seminar, Thomas Sisk will discuss efforts to integrate ecological science and collaborative management in a participatory framework that empowers stakeholders and fosters deliberation regarding the management of public lands and the conservation of natural resources during a period of rapid environmental and social change. Participation in “management teams” that include ranchers, environmentalists, public servants, elected officials and interested citizens has allowed our research group to develop an applied science program that would be impossible to execute without the involvement of these diverse interests. Collaboration has made possible long-term, landscape-scale experiments and the development and implementation of an integrated monitoring program linking ecological, social, and economic dimensions of an ongoing landscape management effort involving over 170,000 ha of mixed public and private rangelands. Following an overview of these efforts, I will open an interactive discussion with the audience exploring the role of science in the context of collaborative management, and lessons learned working at the interface of science and environmental policy. For more information, contact or visit


A Green and Sustainable Solution to Global Phosphorous Depletion

·          Date: Wednesday Nov. 17, 6pm– 7pm

·          Location: UBC Robson Square - C300 Theater, 800 Robson Street, Vancouver

·          Cost: Free

·          Organizer: UBC Department of Civil Engineering

·          Details: Global phosphate reserves are rapidly being depleted, threatening the world’s future food production. Civil Engineering Professor Don Mavinic, recent recipient of two national innovation awards, presents how a team of UBC environmental engineers has developed a sustainable and effective solution, with worldwide applications. For more information: visit

Digital Dumping Ground: The Global Trade in Electronic Waste

Vancouver Institute Free Public Lecture

Prof. Peter Klein

Date: November 6th, 2010
Time: 8:15 p.m.
Location: Lecture Hall No. 2 in the Woodward Instructional Resources Centre, UBC.

Professor Klein is an Emmy Award-winning journalist who has reported from more than a dozen countries.  He began his career as a reporter for The Christian Science Monitor and National Public Radio, covering the Bosnian war and the fall of communism in Eastern Europe.  He was a producer at ABC News’ Law & Justice Unit, conducting investigations for Nightline, 20/20 and World News Tonight.  In 1999 he became a staff producer at 60 Minutes, and continues to produce foreign pieces for the eminent American program.  He is also the creator and executive producer of the Emmy-nominated History Channel (US) series Beyond Top Secret, which investigates clandestine operations around the world. His professional highlights include producing or co-producing every one of Mike Wallace’s reports in the months after 9/11, producing the first report on the U.S. government’s plans to use torture in the “war on terror” and, with reporter Bob Simon, conducting the first and to date only Western TV interview with Iraqi Shiite insurgency leader Muqtada al-Sadr.
 Vancouver Events

1.  The Clean Bin Project: Documentary Film Screening – Nov 5, 2010

2.  Burnaby Green Drinks – Nov 9, 2010

3.  Surrey Green Drinks – Nov 10, 2010

4.  Public input on Metro Vancouver Liquid Waste Management Plan – Nov 10, 2010

5.  Vancouver Green Drinks – Nov 17, 2010

6.  Transforming Housing: Net Zero Energy - Can We Afford Anything Less? – Nov 18, 2010


The Clean Bin Project: Documentary Film Screening

·        Date: Nov 5, 2010

·        Time: 7:00 pm

·        Location: SFU Woodward's Downtown

·        Contact: Jen, ph: 604 734-2506, E-mail:

·        Wesbsite:

·        Cost: $10 All proceeds directly support this independently produced film!

·        Details: The Clean Bin Project is an award winning documentary film about a regular couple and their quest to answer the question "is it possible to live completely waste free?". Vancouver-based partners Jen and Grant go head to head in a battle to see who can swear off consumerism and produce the least landfill garbage in an entire year. Their light-hearted competition is set against a darker examination of the problem waste in our "throw away" society. Featuring interviews with renowned artist, Chris Jordan and marine pollution expert, Captain Charles Moore, The Clean Bin Project presents the serious topic of waste reduction with optimism, humour, and inspiration for individual action.


Burnaby Green Drinks

·        Date: November 9, 2010

·        Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm

·        Location: The Firefighters' Club - Metrotown Complex, 6515 Bonsor Street, 5-7 minute walk from the Metrotown Skytrain Station, Burnaby, BC

·        Contact: Anil Mayar; Email:

·        Website:

·        Cost: NA

·        Details: Interested in meeting a group of friendly people having lively conversations about all things green? Then join us for Green Drinks Burnaby on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm.


Surrey Green Drinks

·        Date: November 10, 2010

·        Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm

·        Location: Central City Brewing, #190 - 13450 102nd Avenue, Surrey, BC

·        Contact:                                                                                          

·        Website:

·        Cost: NA

·        Details: Surrey Green Drinks is simply people getting together socially to discuss issues facing us as a bout solutions, network and socialize. The best thing about Green Drinks is there is NO AGENDA! Discuss whatever you want with whomever you want.


Public input on Metro Vancouver Liquid Waste Management Plan

·        Date: November 10, 2010

·        Time: 1:00 pm

·        Location: Metro Vancouver, 4330 Kingsway, 2nd Floor Boardroom, Burnaby, BC

·        Contact: Email: Ph: 604-432-6200,

·        Website:

·        Cost: NA

·        Details: In accordance with the Liquid Waste Management Plan (LWMP), Metro Vancouver has prepared a Biennial Report summarizing Metro Vancouver’s and its members’ progress in implementing the commitments made in the LWMP. You are welcome to attend this meeting to provide your comments to the Waste Management Committee on the LWMP Biennial Report.


Vancouver Green Drinks

·        Date: November 17, 2010

·        Time: 5:45pm – 8:45pm

·        Location: Steamworks Pub, 375 Water Street, Harbourview room (basement), Vancouver, BC

·        Contact: Email:                                                                 

·        Website:

·        Cost: NA

·        Details: Green Drinks is a monthly unstructured and inclusive casual networking event for anyone interested in issues of sustainability. Our regular time is 5:45pm onward, on the third Wednesday of each month at Steamworks Pub, with the exception of a December Christmas party and a July BBQ. All are welcome!

Transforming Housing: Net Zero Energy - Can We Afford Anything Less?

·        Date: November 18, 2010

·        Time: 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

·        Location: Antechamber at City Hall, 1 Centennial Square, Victoria

·        Contact Name: Jessica Woolliams. E-mail:

·        Website:

·        Cost: Cascadia Members, Cascadia Partners, Students & Emerging Green Builders: Free (RSVP mandatory). Non-members: $10

·        Speaker: Gordon Howell, P.Eng., Howell-Mayhew Engineering

·        Details: Our perceptions of "affordability" and "economics" are most interesting -- what we choose to "afford" regardless of poor economics, and what we choose to decline regardless of good economics... What's up with net zero energy housing? How does it work? What are the costs? Can we afford it? Can we afford not to? What are we learning from the early net zero houses in Edmonton, where the costs have dropped by 35% in just one year. How will this affect policy development, municipal planning, worker training? What policies does net zero housing need to make it mainstream? Who will lead this transformation? Who will block it?

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 Club Activities
 Upcoming Events

Bike to Work Week
- organization: University of British Columbia
team name: Chemical and Biological Engineering

 Ongoing Projects

Department Assessment
The club has developed a framework for assessing department level sustainability. This framework has been used to asses the sustainability of the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department. It could also be applied to other similarly size institutions. The assessment involves two levels of questionaires, a survey for individual members of the department and a data collection sheet for departmental administrators.

   - Dora and Alex recently presented the results of the department assessment at the AASHE conference in Denver
   - Data collection is complete, detailed report is being prepared
   - The next phase is application of the assessment procedure to other university departments

Chemical Database
Establishing a chemical and equipment inventory database for the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering.  The database is designed to be implemented in other departments or faculties as well. The proposed database is available through CHBE secured IT services, in order to allow any researchers quick access to department inventory.

   - Inventory is 60% complete, seeking a student hire for completion of the lab inventory
   - Integration with the online ordering system to be completed this month
   - Presentation given at the 'Greening Labs' workshop

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CHBE Sustainability Club (2010)

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