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Invitation to "Four Ways to Combat Climate Change," lecture by Professor Robert L. Evans

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James Butler

Mar 8, 2010, 4:22:23 PM3/8/10
to Sustainability Club


 Just a reminder about an interesting lecture taking place tomorrow evening.



You are cordially invited to attend "Four Ways to Combat Climate Change," a public lecture by Professor Robert L. Evans, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Founding Director of the Clean Energy Research Centre, author of “Fueling Our Future: an Introduction to Sustainable Energy.”


As a part of UBC Applied Science Making a Difference lecture series, Professor Evans will be looking at energy use, and its impact on the environment, being one of the most important technical, social, and public-policy issues that face mankind today. With only four ways to reduce our overwhelming reliance on fossil fuels, he will outline how these techniques can be used to combat climate change.


Date:                   Tuesday, March 9

Time:                   6:30-8pm
             Room C300, UBC Robson Square, 800 Robson Street, Vancouver

RSVP:                  Please use online form


Please feel free to extend this invitation to others who may be interested in attending. 


UBC Celebrate Research Week (March 5th to March 13th, 2010) showcases a week of diverse events highlighting areas of research and cutting-edge work that UBC’s faculties, departments, schools and partner institutions have to offer. These events include discussion forums, lectures, seminars, open houses, events for youth and kids, and symposia on topical and timely issues from every discipline imaginable.


You can find out more about these engaging lectures and events on our website:


Kind regards,


Wendy Barthel



Engineering | Faculty of Applied Science | The University of British Columbia

1100 - 2332 Main Mall (Fred Kaiser Building) Vancouver BC V6T 1Z4 | O. 604.827.4762 | F. 604.822.2021 |


UBC Celebrate Research Week is March 5-13th.

Learn how Applied Science people are making a difference in our world.

View the list of free public events at:



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