Please forward to your students/staff or faculty who would be interested in attending this session...
Best Regards,
Resha Sabti
Resha Sabti, BA.Sc., EIT
Technical Rep -Environmental and Remediation Products
Canada Colors and Chemicals
Cell: 604-619-8272
Will be welcoming Mr. Phill Beaty from Nexterra Systems as part of the speaker session series for the seminar and would like to invite you to attend this special session.
Date: March 2, 2011
Time: 3:15PM-5:00PM
Location: TBA (will send an email to all confirmed attendees with location)
Reservation: Please email for confirmation. Seats are limited!
Philip W. Beaty, P.Eng.
Vice President, Sales Engineering
Phil Beaty is an accomplished sales executive with 20 years of experience in applications engineering, sales and marketing of industrial energy systems. From 1988 to 2001, he was Sales Engineer for Salton Fabrication, responsible for application design and sales of wood-fired energy systems and lumber dry kilns to the forest products industry in western Canada and Australia, including sawmills, plywood and veneer mills, and OSB and MDF plants. Prior to this, he was Sales Manager with Hayes Dana's Industrial Products Division and Project Engineer with Weyerhaeuser Canada Ltd., Solid Wood Division. Mr. Beaty is a Professional Engineer with a B.A.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of British Columbia. Prior to joining Nexterra, he was Director of Sales and Marketing of Etho Power Corporation.
Nexterra Systems Corp., Vancouver, B.C., Canada, a supplier of biomass heat and power systems, has been ranked among the Deloitte 2010 Technology Fast 50, a ranking of the 50 fastest growing technology companies in Canada. Nexterra's ranking is based on an increase in revenues of 509% from 2005 to 2009. Nexterra has also been named as a member of the 2010 Deloitte Technology Green 15, which honors 15 companies that are leading the way in the field of green technology.
As part of its objective to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, the University of British Columbia in Vancouver British Columbia is installing a new 2 MWe biomass CHP system to provide renewable heat and power to its Point Grey Campus. The system will feature a new high efficiency biomass-fuelled combined heat and power system (CHP System) process developed by Nexterra Systems in conjunction with GE Power & Water's gas engine division. This new CHP project represents a paradigm shift away from large, centralized biomass plants to smaller and more efficient biomass plants ideally suited for on-site energy generation at universities, municipalities and small industrial sites.
This informational presentation will introduce the project at UBC, the drivers for the biomass project, the project plan and technology and the benefits for the University.