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Sustainability Club Newsletter (December 2010)

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Caroline Cloutier

Dec 7, 2010, 12:31:12 PM12/7/10
to chbe-sustainability


Shame in Cancun,


It look like the best outcome for Canada in Cancun would be to avoid wasting tax payers money and make sure our new anti-environment minister, John Baird, stays home. Recent article confirmed what many were fearing: the Harper government is not only fighting against any ghg's regulations in Canada, they also fight in other countries, like the US, to protect the tar sand industry interests.


In Cancun, things look really bad,  our government seems to be trying to kill any new internationally binding agreement. Just hope that one day, we can sue Steven Harper under criminal law for refusing to take necessary steps to protect populations against climate change.


Alexandre for the CHBE Sustainability Club


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*Got news or events to share? Email my teammate Caroline:*

News Section

In the news:

*Good news*


New Solar-Piezoelectric Hybrid Fiber Makes Clean Energy as Easy as Putting on a T-Shirt


US, Canada Could Store CO2 Emissions Underground -DOE Study


Africa Can Feed Itself in a Generation, Experts Say


Boeing Shatters Solar Power Record with 39.2% Cell Efficiency


*Bad news*

Humans running out of places to fish, UBC study says


Nature doesn’t do bailouts


NASA reports 2010 hottest year on record so far


Climate deaths more than double in 2010 – Oxfam


"Urgent action' needed to protect B.C.'s groundwater: report


The End of Easy Oil


In French: 

Des "îlots verts" pour le recyclage commercial


Le bio: vision moderne de l’agriculture


Reduire l’intensite energetique des villes chinoises est crucial


Des oeuvres d’art visibles du ciel contre le changement climatique


In More Details:


Designing engaging interactions for exploration and sharing of multidisciplinary outcomes in environmental education


Transforming Higher Education: A Practical Plan for Integrating Sustainability Education in the Student Experience

Sustainable Habitation:


Seoul: on course to be one of the world's greenest cities?

Sustainable Transportation:


Poland to Introduce Recyclable Subway Cars in 2012


Lufthansa Will Offer a Local Biofuel Powered Flight in 2011


Take Action:


Sustainable seafood: Buy MSC!

Tell Toyota to Quit the Chamber of Commerce


Travel Smart


Final Marine Reserve Community Team Recommendations



LCA Sustainable Product Design Europe 
14 to 15 December 2010, London, United Kingdom
2010 International Conference on Biology, Environment and Chemistry (ICBEC 2010)  
28 to 30 December 2010, Hong Kong, China
2011 International Conference on Environmental Science and Development (ICESD 2011)
7 to 9 January 2011, Mumbai, India
2011 International Winter Conference on Environmental Innovations and Sustainability  
28 to 29 January 2011, Beppu, Oita, Japan
Events Section

UBC Events:


1.         IRES Seminar Series – Robin Naidoo, Dec. 7

2.         Plants Inspiring Technology Lecture, Dec. 13

3.         Volunteers needed for Bella Coola Farm Flood Fundraiser, Dec. 7

4.         Celebration of International Day of Persons with Disabilities, Dec. 3

Vancouver Events:


1.      Help Build the Movement for Climate Justice (Dec 7)

2.      Green Drinks/CEP/BCSEA Holiday Party (Dec 7)

3.      Building Wind Energy in British Columbia - the Clean Energy Opportunity (Dec 9)

4.      Terra Madre Day (Dec 10)

5.      Footprint Education: Fundraising Gala (Dec 10)

6.      Winterize Your Home Seminar (Dec 11)

7.      Landway House Tour (Dec 11)

8.      Holiday Farmers Market (Dec 11)

9.      Communicating your Sustainability Successes to the World: Beyond "Greenwashing" (Dec 15)

10.  Home Grown: Local Sustainable Food (Jan 02)

11.  Winter Watershed Snowshoe Tour (Jan 15)

UBC Event Details:


IRES Seminar Series – Robin Naidoo, Dec. 7

  • Date: Tues. Dec. 7, 12-1pm
  • Location: AERL 120
  • Cost: Free
  • Organizer: IRES

·        Details: Robin Naidoo is a research scientist with the Conservation Science Program, WWF-US. After graduating with a PhD in conservation biology and environmental economics from the University of Alberta, he conducted post-doctoral research in Paraguay, where he investigated the economic costs and benefits of Atlantic rainforest conservation while acting as the director of research for a local non-governmental organization. Subsequently he began working for WWF-US, where he has spent the last 5 years investigating questions surrounding the conservation of biodiversity, mainly in developing countries. Naidoo’s work has mostly focused on quantifying, at various scales and contexts, the economic costs and benefits of conservation and how these relate to the distribution of biodiversity. His work on the benefits side (i.e., the ecosystem services that nature provides to society) has led to collaborations with researchers from the Natural Capital Project (<>) and the Valuing the Arc project (<>), initiatives that seek to map the value of natural habitats and compare these values to those from alternative land uses. More recently, Naidoo has begun to work with Namibia’s highly successful Community-Based Natural Resource Program, assessing the linkages between biodiversity and communal financial benefits, as well as mapping the wildlife services that are at the core of the program’s focus on livelihoods and conservation.


Plants Inspiring Technology Lecture, Dec. 13

  • Date: Tues. Monday, Dec. 13, 12-1pm
  • Location: UBC Botanical Garden
  • Cost: $5.00
  • Organizer: UBC Botanical Garden
  • Details: BC Botanical Garden's education theme for December is “biodiversity inspirations”. In the last lecture in the 2010 International Year of Biodiversity series, Daniel explores how plants have inspired and contributed to technological advances, particularly the development of novel materials. Instructor: Daniel Mosquin is UBC Botanical Garden’s Education and Technology Manager. He is a naturalist and photographer who frequently travels western North America to observe & photograph biodiversity. Since April of 2005, he has been the editor (and often the author and/or photographer) of UBC Botanical Garden’s Botany Photo of the Day. Please Note: Bring a bag lunch. Coffee and tea supplied. Fee collected at the door. Please call 604-822-3928 or email the UBC Botanical Garden reception desk in advance to book a seat.

Volunteers needed for Bella Coola Farm Flood Fundraiser, Dec. 7

  • Date: Tues. Tuesday, Dec. 7, anytime 545-10pm (or just bake vegan goodies the day before!)
  • Location: Canucks Family Place, Britannia Community Centre, 1661 Napier Street, Vancouver, BC
  • Cost: Free
  • Organizer: Friends of the Farm
  • Details: Along with UBC Sprouts and the UBC Veggie Club, Friends of the Farm will be hosting a vegan bake sale at an upcoming fundraiser for Bella Coola Valley.  Farmers and their animals in this region have been greatly affected by recent flooding, and FarmFolk/CityFolk and the Grandview-Woodland Food Connection are organizing an excellent fundraising film night on December 7th to support them during this difficult period. Please email if you are able to:a) Volunteer to sell our baked goods on December 7th for any length of time between 5:45-10pm b) Bake vegan goods to sell on December 7th Check out the facebook event here: 

Celebration of International Day of Persons with Disabilities, Dec. 3

  • Date: Friday, Dec. 3, 530-8pm
  • Location: Roundhouse Community Centre
  • Cost: Free
  • Organizer: City of Vancouver
  • Details: Please join us for a wonderful evening of music, crafts, dancing, and laughter on December 3 at the Roundhouse.  As you may know, December 3 is the United Nations Day of Persons with Disabilities, and gives us an opportunity to shine a light on the achievements of people with disabilities and the possibility of a world where everyone belongs. The symbol we use for this event – a world ringed with people, able-bodied and disabled, connected to each other and to arts and sport – is what this wonderful event is about. The celebration will be opened by Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson at 5:30, followed by a wonderful evening of music, performances, crafts, dance, storytelling, and art, performed and designed by artists, performers and musicians with disabilities. 
    The event is like a different magical world, with wonderful performances from Jim Byrnes – star of Heart of a Dragon and recently back from an overseas tour; Rasika Aklujkar – traditional South Indian Prayer Dance and Storydancing; the Lazare Halk Dance Band; a marvellous craft fair with beautiful pottery, jewellery, weaving, paintings, clothing, cards, carvings, and delicious food.  Artists with disabilities – such as Joe Average and Mary Pratt – have donated works as door prizes, and ParaOlympic Gold Medalist Paul Gauthier will host the event. This is a special community event with real opportunity for connection and understanding.  We hope you can join us on Friday, December 3 for a wonderful evening of celebration, music, laughter, and understanding.

Vancouver Event Details:

Help Build the Movement for Climate Justice

·        Hosted by People’s Assembly for Climate Justice in Vancouver, BC

·        Date: Tuesday, December 7th

·        Time: 2010 - 12:00pm

·        Location: SFU’s Segal School of Business, 500 Granville Street

·        Email:

·        Description: This first Metro Vancouver People’s Assembly on Climate Justice will begin a series of Assemblies to build a strong and effective Climate Justice movement in the Lower Mainland. We will advance real solutions while taking action against megaprojects in our region that increase greenhouse gas emissions. We will also be building the global movement for Climate Justice.This Assembly is part of the December 7 global day of action called by Via Campesina.


Green Drinks/CEP/BCSEA Holiday Party

·        Date: December 7th, 2010

·        Time: 6:00 PM

·        Location: Steamworks pub (Harbourview room): 375 Water St.

·        Organizer: Green Drinks/CEP/BCSEA

·        Details: In addition to general festive merriment, we’ll have some prizes you can win…just bring along some cash to put in the hat for SOLEfood downtown eastside farm project OR non-perishable items for the food bank. Or both! No one will be turned away for lack of donations, but let’s see what we can bring in to support our downtown eastside neighbours in their sustainability efforts. The more you give, the better your beer will taste – fact! If you have sustainability related prizes you’d like to donate for the event, in exchange for a good feeling in your heart (and a bit of publicity), please contact Christina at Green Drinks ( Please bring non-perishables for the food bank and/or cash donations for SOLEfood (


Building Wind Energy in British Columbia - the Clean Energy Opportunity

·        Hosted by CanWEA in Vancouver, BC

·        Date: Thursday, December 9, 2010 (All day) - Friday, December 10, 2010 (All day)

·        Email:

·        Details: The success of wind power projects in the last Clean Power Call, the advent of the new Clean Energy Act and growing interest across the country in the development of wind energy are all indications that opportunities continue to expand for the industry. CanWEA will be holding a two-day seminar to provide insight and information on this exciting industry and what is required to capitalize on its potential in British Columbia.


Terra Madre Day

·        Date: Dec 10, 2010

·        Time: 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM

·        Location: Italian Cultural Centre, 3075 Slocan St., Vancouver

·        Organizer: Slow Food Vancouver

·        Details: Slow Food Vancouver celebrates local food—and the people who produce it —with Terra Madre Day, December 10, at the Italian Cultural Centre, 3075 Slocan Street (at Grandview Highway between Renfrew and Nanaimo), 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm. Meet the people who grow your veggies, find out about Community Supported Agriculture, and enjoy samples dished up by local chefs using home grown ingredients. Learn about this year’s international Terra Madre conference, held in Torino, Italy from our knowledgeable delegates Mark Bomford, Heather Pritchard, Joanne McKinnon and many more. Admission by donation.

·        Website:


Footprint Education: Fundraising Gala

·        Date: Dec 10, 2010

·        Time: 6:30 PM

·        Location: Evergreen Cultural Centre, Coquitlam BC

·        Organizer: Footprints Conservation Society

·        Details: A great opportunity for community involvement! All proceeds from the event go towards furthering our educational programs as well as a children's tree planting project in Panorama Park. Their goal is to donate $10,000 towards this project. For a ticket donation of $60.00 you'll enjoy a fully catered dinner, guest speakers, raffle, silent auction and dance while at the same time supporting the important work that Footprints Conservation Society provides within our community.

·        Website:


Winterize Your Home Seminar

·        Date: Dec 11, 2010

·        Time: 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM

·        Location: SPEC – 2150 Maple Street, Vancouver

·        Organizer: Society Promoting Environmental Conservation

·        Details: Learn how to increase your home’s energy efficiency and reduce energy bills and GHG emissions while keeping your home warmer during the winter months. Participants will learn how and why our houses leak air and how to ensure we get the correct amount of ventilation while reducing heat loss. Other aspects of home energy efficiency will be presented. Bring your questions and concerns. By donation.

·        Website:


Landway House Tour

·        Date: Dec 11, 2010

·        Time: 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM

·        Location: TBA

·        Organizer: Vancouver Heritage Foundation

·        Details: Lane houses have arrived. We see them popping up all over the city, and six of them are opening to the public December 11th. Laneway housing is an option for owners of older homes in some historic neighbourhoods, to create rental income while densifying and improving their property. Get some ideas for building a lane house, or just come to see what the buzz is all about. $50 + hst ($25 tax receipts issued upon request). The Laneway House Tour is a fundraising event for the Vancouver Heritage Foundation, a charitable organization dedicated to creating new life for old buildings.

·        Website:


Holiday Farmers Market

·        Date: Dec 11, 2010

·        Time: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

·        Location: Croatian Cultural Centre

·        Organizer: Eat Local

·        Details: Make sure you mark December 11 on your calendar. It's our 15th annual Holiday Market at the Croatian Cultural Centre - one day only! Over 90 vendors will be selling locally made, high quality artisan crafts and prepared food. It’s the perfect place to find unique gifts in all prices ranges for foodies, teachers, colleagues, or to have on hand as hostess gifts. Local gifts go a long way with impressions. Enjoy local music, hot food and drink while you shop! Details: Location: Croatian Cultural Centre, 3250 Commercial Drive Date: December 11 – one day only - 10 am – 6 pm Admission: $2 - Members are free! Find out how to become a member in our Member Zone section below. Free parking

·        Website:


Communicating your Sustainability Successes to the World: Beyond "Greenwashing"

·        Date: Dec 15, 2011

·        Time: 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM

·        Location: Webinar

·        Organizer: The Natural Step Canada

·        Details: Find out the best ways to communicate your success in moving toward sustainability to your staff, clients, and other stakeholders. Go beyond “greenwashing” to transparently reporting your successes–and challenges–to inspire others. Sustainability Practitioners Series This event is part of The Natural Step Canada’s monthly webinars for sustainability practitioners that explore various aspects of The Natural Step Framework. Presented by The Natural Step Canada’s experienced Sustainability Advisors and special guests.

·        Website:


Home Grown: Local Sustainable Food

·        Date: Jan 02, 2011

·        Location: Museum of Vancouver (MOV)

·        Organizer: Museum of Vancouver (MOV) and FarmFolkCityFolk

·        Details: Visit MOV to explore Vancouver’s passion for backyard farming and local food. The large-scale photographic exhibit captures the Explore the current momentum behind local food production and urban agriculture. The exhibit Home Grown: Local Sustainable Food, is a visual feast of 39 Brian Harris photographs set across four seasons, on now until January 2, 2011. For more info, visit the website for more details.

·        Website:


Winter Watershed Snowshoe Tour

·        Date: Jan 15, 2011

·        Time: 12:30 PM to 3:00 PM

·        Location: Mount Seymour

·        Organizer: Metro Vancouver and Mount Seymour

·        Details: Enjoy a leisurely snowshoe tour past First Lake and on to Dog Mountain. Discover the snow-capped mountains of the Seymour Watershed. Learn about local ecology, winter adaptations of wildlife and the connections between snow and our water supply. Bring your refillable water bottle. Ages 18+ $12 with own snowshoes, $22 includes snowshoe rental Registration required, call 604-451-6506 or email

·        Website:


The newsletter team include James Butler and Alexandre Vigneault for the comments, Ali Shafiei and Caroline R. Cloutier for the news, Rebecca Beaton for the UBC events, and Resha Sabti for the Vancouver events.  
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