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CGNE Meeting, Monday, Feb 3 at 6pm

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tc tolbert

Jan 8, 2025, 11:39:28 AMJan 8
Hey y'all!

Happy new year!

We have our first 2025 CGNE meeting scheduled for Monday, Feb 3 at 6pm at Ward 3 (there will be a zoom option, as well).

Below are the current agenda items, which is a pretty full meeting. But let us know if there are other things you'd like to add!

1.  Vice President vote 
2. 2025 Budget proposal, including donations discussion and proposal. 
3. Current listserv practices and discussion of concerns/solutions.

4. Current IT/website plan and we'll probably need a committee for solutions. :)

5. Marlene, our new rep at Ward 3, wants to introduce herself. 

Hope you are making the best of this wild weather! 
:) tc

:) tc
and I truly love being called Hey Grrl!
and in writing it's s/he
isn't language amazing?
PS. I'm trying to learn from Melissa Febos' incredibly important essay "Do You Want to Be Known for Your Writing, or Your Swift Email Responses" and it is hard work allowing myself permission to get anything lower than an A+ on my email response time. But the truth is, I am suffering from email overload (and screen-time overload, in general). So, if your email requires a thoughtful response, know that I'm giving it some actual thought and will respond but it will take a while (sometimes weeks or months). Thank you for understanding and I hope this allows you a little time away from the email/screen too. <3
poet and Tucson's Poet Laureate,


tc tolbert

Jan 8, 2025, 12:55:33 PMJan 8
Oh, Kirsteen had some good additions:

We might want to see if Connie wants to give an update on the CCRs or Linda on the wash cleanup. 

Connie and Linda, would that be possible?

Thank you!

Mills, Victoria A - (vamills)

Jan 8, 2025, 2:19:25 PMJan 8
to tc tolbert, CGNE
Were we also going to discuss the Lend A Hand donation at this meeting? 


From: <> on behalf of tc tolbert <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 8, 2025 10:55 AM
To: CGNE <>
Subject: [EXT] [CGNE] Re: CGNE Meeting, Monday, Feb 3 at 6pm

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Kirsteen Anderson

Jan 8, 2025, 2:25:45 PMJan 8
to Mills, Victoria A - (vamills), tc tolbert, CGNE

Yes, Vicki, that is item 2 on the agenda.


Kirsteen E. Anderson

Editor & Writer

2620 N. Plumer Ave.

Tucson, AZ 85719


520-307-3679 (cell)

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