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Poll: Use of CGNE funds to donate to Lend-a-Hand

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Kirsteen Anderson

Dec 19, 2024, 1:53:36 PM12/19/24

Howdy neighbors,

Traditionally, CGNE has made an annual donation to support Lend-a-Hand, a neighborhood-based nonprofit operating specifically in central Tucson neighborhoods. I’m sure you know a lot about them from Vicki’s posts, but essentially they provide assistance to enable seniors and people with disabilities to remain in their homes.


Recently, some folks have expressed concern about their neighborhood dues being used to support charitable organizations, arguing that their dues should be used only for CGNE purposes. (As you know if you’ve looked at the treasurer’s report, CGNE has a healthy bank balance, so I don’t anticipate a situation where a donation would leave us short of funds.)


So I am conducting an informal poll of neighborhood sentiment. Do you support


  1. Continuing to make an annual donation to Lend-a-Hand and possibly other charities on a case-by-case basis with neighborhood input?
  2. Banning charitable donations but grandfathering Lend-a-Hand?
  3. Banning all charitable donations, including to Lend-a-Hand?
  4. Some other solution?


Public discussion is welcome, but please keep your tone neighborly and issue-focused.





Kirsteen E. Anderson

Editor & Writer

2620 N. Plumer Ave.

Tucson, AZ 85719


520-307-3679 (cell)


Dan Meyer

Dec 19, 2024, 2:13:11 PM12/19/24
to Kirsteen Anderson,

I vote for #1 - continue with Lend a Hand because it serves our neighborhood well.

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Mark F.

Dec 19, 2024, 2:17:02 PM12/19/24
to Dan Meyer, Kirsteen Anderson,
I also vote for #1.  Who knows, I might need Lend a Hand in the future.....
Mark F.

Valerie Hink

Dec 19, 2024, 2:20:16 PM12/19/24
to Dan Meyer, Kirsteen Anderson,
I approve of CGNE donating to Lend a Hand.

From: <> on behalf of Dan Meyer <>
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2024 12:12:58 PM
To: Kirsteen Anderson <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: [CGNE] Poll: Use of CGNE funds to donate to Lend-a-Hand

Clark Lohr

Dec 19, 2024, 2:36:50 PM12/19/24
to Valerie Hink, Dan Meyer, Kirsteen Anderson,

I'd vote for continuing to donate to Lend a Hand. I have a friend, another retiree, who volunteers with them.

Monica Mueller

Dec 19, 2024, 2:41:30 PM12/19/24
to, Kirsteen Anderson
Hi Kirsteen,

Thanks for raising this and inviting discussion. I feel this is a policy issue that should be given full space during a board or neighborhood meeting. Nothing at all against Lend-a-Hand - it's a great organization I have myself supported, and it fills a need in our neighborhood. Simply, I think we need clear, transparent, formal guidelines and criteria for the use of CGNE funds in the interest of fiscal oversight and responsibility and in fairness to the numerous meritorious organizations that may request funds in the future.   

For the moment, could you provide more information - what is the contribution amount and how is that decided? Could you give an example of, say the last year, what the contribution was and what was the CGNE account balance?

I think short of a meeting, email can serve for discussion but as for a poll, I would recommend including a link to a poll so that people can vote privately, and providing a deadline for responses. Certainly there is free software out there to do a simple poll; not my area of expertise but I raise it because people may be more comfortable with that format (which also avoids a long email chain of individual responses mixed in with discussion). 

Monica Mueller
Water Street


Kirsteen Anderson

Dec 19, 2024, 2:55:06 PM12/19/24
to Monica Mueller,

We traditionally gave $100 to Lend-a-Hand, two years ago we gave $200, last year we gave $150. This has been a topic we have had on the agenda for previous meetings, but somehow we never get to it. Here is the treasurer’s report from August:


June 30, 2024 ending balance $3628.61

Add $25 one person paid dues

-$.75 PayPal fee

+ $.12 bank interest

August 30,2024 ending balance $3652.98



Kirsteen E. Anderson

Editor & Writer

2620 N. Plumer Ave.

Tucson, AZ 85719


520-307-3679 (cell)


From: Monica Mueller <>
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2024 12:41 PM
To:; Kirsteen Anderson <>
Subject: Re: [CGNE] Poll: Use of CGNE funds to donate to Lend-a-Hand


Hi Kirsteen,

Humberto Teran

Dec 19, 2024, 2:55:39 PM12/19/24
to Monica Mueller,, Kirsteen Anderson
I concur with Monica Mueller’s suggestion

On Dec 19, 2024, at 12:41 PM, 'Monica Mueller' via Campbell/Grant Neighborhood Association <> wrote:

tc tolbert

Dec 19, 2024, 3:19:48 PM12/19/24
to Humberto Teran, Monica Mueller,, Kirsteen Anderson
Thank you all! 

I'm happy to see listserv discussion and i also fully agree that the voting should be anonymous and there should be space for discussion at a meeting. We will add this to the agenda for the next meeting. 

:) tc

:) tc
and I truly love being called Hey Grrl!
and in writing it's s/he
isn't language amazing?
PS. I'm trying to learn from Melissa Febos' incredibly important essay "Do You Want to Be Known for Your Writing, or Your Swift Email Responses" and it is hard work allowing myself permission to get anything lower than an A+ on my email response time. But the truth is, I am suffering from email overload (and screen-time overload, in general). So, if your email requires a thoughtful response, know that I'm giving it some actual thought and will respond but it will take a while (sometimes weeks or months). Thank you for understanding and I hope this allows you a little time away from the email/screen too. <3
poet and Tucson's Poet Laureate,


tc tolbert

Dec 19, 2024, 3:22:29 PM12/19/24
to Humberto Teran, Monica Mueller,, Kirsteen Anderson
To be transparent (and as i've shared in the past):

I value and admire LAH and have donated personally in the past. While i understand LAH serves folx in our neighborhood, there are likely a handful of nonprofits that serve folx in our neighborhood but we don't donate to those nonprofits as a neighborhood and with neighborhood funds. My biggest concern is that as we set this precedent of donating to nonprofits, there is nothing that would prevent future boards from donating larger sums to nonprofits that are clearly partisan and/or that are not supported by the neighborhood, at large. It's a slippery slope and I agree we need a transparent policy.

thank you!

Dec 19, 2024, 4:28:42 PM12/19/24
to, Kirsteen Anderson
I support a donation to Lend A Hand, whom I donate to and volunteer with, and having the issue of donations to charitable groups discussed at a scheduled meeting as suggested by tc.

Connie Trecartin



Dec 19, 2024, 4:38:33 PM12/19/24
to Kirsteen Anderson,
#1 for me too 
Cathy Rex
Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 19, 2024, at 11:53 AM, Kirsteen Anderson <> wrote:


Georgia O'Neill

Dec 19, 2024, 5:19:26 PM12/19/24
to crexarchitect, Kirsteen Anderson,
I think we should have a meeting to discuss this and those who care should be sure to be there. We can either vote after a discussion or anonymously via some software as suggested. No matter what, I prefer that we continue donating to LAH. If we vote not to allow charitable donations (and I tend to agree that people can donate individually to worthy causes as they see fit) then we can “grandfather in” our tradition of supporting LAH. 

Burke, Molly K - (mkburke)

Dec 19, 2024, 7:05:16 PM12/19/24
to Monica Mueller,, Kirsteen Anderson
Lend a hand is a great organization. Definitely support.
- Molly & Chelsea

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 19, 2024, at 12:41 PM, 'Monica Mueller' via Campbell/Grant Neighborhood Association <> wrote:

External Email

Dec 20, 2024, 9:12:07 AM12/20/24
to crexarchitect, Kirsteen Anderson,
1. Yes
2. No see #1
3 No
4. I understand why some people might be uncomfortable with this and of course we can donate on our own so we should put it up for vote.

Linda Briggs

Dec 20, 2024, 12:08:18 PM12/20/24
to Kirsteen Anderson,
I support the first one, contributing to Lend A Hand and other charitable donations as able

Linda Briggs on Water St


Marguerite Conners

Dec 20, 2024, 12:09:02 PM12/20/24
to Valerie Hink, Dan Meyer, Kirsteen Anderson,
I agree with continuing to support Lend a Hand.  It serves the neighborhood and a number of individuals devote time to this organization. 
Marguerite Conners
Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 19, 2024, at 12:20 PM, Valerie Hink <> wrote:

Cheryl Schrader-Gerken

Dec 31, 2024, 3:35:23 PM12/31/24
to Kirsteen Anderson,
We vote yes for #1

The Gerkens 

Sent by owl.

On Dec 19, 2024, at 10:54 AM, Kirsteen Anderson <> wrote:

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