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Brush and Bulky reminder!

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tc tolbert

Jan 7, 2025, 1:16:57 PMJan 7
Hey y'all!

Our next Brush and Bulky will be the week of Jan 13, 2025 (that's next week - be sure to have everything on the curb by sunday night, Jan 12!). Below is more info:

To prepare for the Brush & Bulky collection, simply place your items where your neighborhood's trash is collected. Items must be at least 3-feet from all obstacles, including trash and recycling containers and utility meters. Have materials set out by 6 a.m. on the Monday of your collection week. Collection will be completed by the end of the week. Do not put materials out more than two weeks ahead of your scheduled collection.

The Brush & Bulky maximum is 10 cubic yards per household (1 cubic yard = size of a washing machine). Excess over the limit will not be taken.

Brush & Bulky will collect:

  • Appliances (Remove freezer/refrigerator doors)
  • Auto tires (Limit 5-Placed in separate pile)
  • Brush (Up to 5' Long/ 24"diameter)
  • Cacti (Boxed up for safety - 25 lbs. limit)
  • Furniture and Carpet
  • Lumber (Up to 5' Long- Placed in a separate pile)
  • Scrap metal and Pipes (Up to 5' Long)

Any items other than those listed above will NOT be collected. Such as:

  • Compressed Gas / Air Cylinders
  • Concrete
  • Construction Material
  • Dirt, Stone, Rocks, and Gravel
  • Glass / Mirrors
  • Household Hazardous Waste (Paint, Oil, Pesticides, Solvents)
  • Televisions / Computer Monitors 

:) tc
and I truly love being called Hey Grrl!
and in writing it's s/he
isn't language amazing?
PS. I'm trying to learn from Melissa Febos' incredibly important essay "Do You Want to Be Known for Your Writing, or Your Swift Email Responses" and it is hard work allowing myself permission to get anything lower than an A+ on my email response time. But the truth is, I am suffering from email overload (and screen-time overload, in general). So, if your email requires a thoughtful response, know that I'm giving it some actual thought and will respond but it will take a while (sometimes weeks or months). Thank you for understanding and I hope this allows you a little time away from the email/screen too. <3
poet and Tucson's Poet Laureate,


Kirsteen Anderson

Jan 7, 2025, 1:22:26 PMJan 7
to tc tolbert, CGNE

Just to tag on here: You can drop off any computer/electronics at Suburban Miners, 3820 E. Blacklidge, for recycling.


Kirsteen E. Anderson

Editor & Writer

2620 N. Plumer Ave.

Tucson, AZ 85719


520-307-3679 (cell)

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