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Wash clean up

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Linda Briggs

Jan 1, 2025, 11:42:51 AMJan 1
to Campbell/Grant Neighborhood Association
First, let me start by wishing us all a Happy New Year!

Secondly, several of us expressed an interest in cleaning up the wash.  Let's designate the second Saturday of every month for our neighborhood beautification.  This month, let's start at 8:30am and we can adjust our times earlier as the weather gets warmer.   We can meet at the Copper Street entrance to the wash and work from there.  We're not going to kill ourselves cleaning the whole wash, let's just meet and pick up trash for an hour or so.  Wear gloves, I'll bring some garbage bags, bring those picker-upper things if you have 'em.  We are most definitely not cleaning out homeless camps, safety is of course paramount.  I realize not everyone can meet every time but at least we could get started and keep that second Saturday in the back of our minds.  I'm copying in a nice letter from Kirsteen about this.  See you all on the 11th!

From Kirsteen:

The neighborhood is bounded by Glenn, Tucson Blvd, Grant, and Campbell. At Glenn, the wash goes into a culvert and runs underground (except when it floods) through La Madera to the Navajo(?) wash at Mountain and Ft. Lowell. You don’t want to mess with going into the culvert.


I’d suggest access is easier if you start at Copper St. and work north to Glenn. You might also want to scope out the height of the grass ahead of time. If it’s too much, you may see if Regina Lundgren has called the City to request a wash cleanup – they bring large machinery to cut down the grass. I do have an electric weed trimmer, and the resident at the northwest corner of Copper and Wilson is on the listserv and would probably provide power. A gas weed whacker would be more appropriate, but no one has ever volunteered to lend one.


I’d hesitate to work south of Copper in the concreted section without discussing it first with the cleanup crew, and maybe at a neighborhood meeting. There is, or was, a homeless camp under the Water St. bridge. Last time Michael Geddis took a crew down there, they were collecting hypodermic needles and human feces, among other potential hazards. Be aware that the hypodermics wash downstream to the grassy section north of Copper, so make sure everyone is appropriately outfitted in work boots and gloves.


Kathy Casavant will reimburse you for any expenses you incur for garbage bags, weed-eater cord, etc.

Andy Laurenzi

Jan 3, 2025, 4:53:07 PMJan 3
to Linda Briggs, Campbell/Grant Neighborhood Association
The sections of the wash that need cleanup are the concrete sections. If someone has a pickup they can drive easily to Water and we can load garbage bags into the pickup.

Btw i reported the homeless encampment in the culvert to the city using the encampment reporting tool. If anyone who lives near the concrete portion of the wash and has some issues, please let us know as this will increase the priority for the city.


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Stephanie Dayton

Jan 3, 2025, 5:00:17 PMJan 3
to Andy Laurenzi, Linda Briggs, Campbell/Grant Neighborhood Association
The grassy section of the wash needs cleanup too. Garbage washes down each time it rains
and lodges there.

Stephanie/2253 E. Copper St. 

Kirsteen Anderson

Jan 3, 2025, 5:49:05 PMJan 3
to Stephanie Dayton, Andy Laurenzi, Linda Briggs, Campbell/Grant Neighborhood Association
My concern, particularly with the concrete section, is hypodermics and feces. How bad does it look in terms of hazards?

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From: <> on behalf of Stephanie Dayton <>
Sent: Friday, January 3, 2025 3:00:00 PM
To: Andy Laurenzi <>
Cc: Linda Briggs <>; Campbell/Grant Neighborhood Association <>
Subject: Re: [CGNE] Wash clean up
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