Hello neighbors,
Pretty much all of us live bordering an alley or easement. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to maintain the area along their property line so that utility vehicles can get access.
Unfortunately, a lot of the back yards along the Towner-Willow-Mitchell easement don’t have back gates, so folks haven’t been doing any cleanup – and some have even been dumping yard waste, old tires, and other junk back there. Much of the section east of my property bordering Willow is impassible, with piles of debris and large trees growing up into the power lines. Given all the wind we’ve been having, this is a power outage waiting to happen, with no access for repair crews. And God forbid a broken line sparks a fire.
I asked the City if any cleanup resources were available – no, because it’s the homeowner’s responsibility and the power lines belong to TEP. They did offer that you can call TEP to have your power shut off temporarily at no cost if you are working in the easement. They strongly advise against cutting back branches around live power lines and will send out a work crew to do that. Work crews have stopped by my house periodically and asked how to get into the easement to trim back the trees. I tell them I have no idea.
So, neighbors in this stretch, I encourage you to look for your nearest power pole and try to clear access to it.
Kirsteen E. Anderson
Editor & Writer
2620 N. Plumer Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85719
520-307-3679 (cell)
On Jan 11, 2025, at 3:18 PM, 'SERNSKY ' via Campbell/Grant Neighborhood Association <CGNE-...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
There are plenty of stretches in the neighborhood that need a good clean out of construction materials, debris, and dry brush. Given what is happening in LA, it would take little to move from house to house here were there a fire, all because of the dry brush in the alleyways.
From: Kirsteen Anderson <kirst...@outlook.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2025 12:22:35 PM
To: cgne-...@googlegroups.com <cgne-...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [CGNE] Importance of easement access
Hello neighbors,
Pretty much all of us live bordering an alley or easement. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to maintain the area along their property line so that utility vehicles can get access.
Unfortunately, a lot of the back yards along the Towner-Willow-Mitchell easement don’t have back gates, so folks haven’t been doing any cleanup – and some have even been dumping yard waste, old tires, and other junk back there. Much of the section east of my property bordering Willow is impassible, with piles of debris and large trees growing up into the power lines. Given all the wind we’ve been having, this is a power outage waiting to happen, with no access for repair crews. And God forbid a broken line sparks a fire.
I asked the City if any cleanup resources were available – no, because it’s the homeowner’s responsibility and the power lines belong to TEP. They did offer that you can call TEP to have your power shut off temporarily at no cost if you are working in the easement. They strongly advise against cutting back branches around live power lines and will send out a work crew to do that. Work crews have stopped by my house periodically and asked how to get into the easement to trim back the trees. I tell them I have no idea.
So, neighbors in this stretch, I encourage you to look for your nearest power pole and try to clear access to it.
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