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Bill Rawlinson

Sep 23, 2005, 3:42:45 PM9/23/05
> The only thing im not sure about
> is the facility for submitting contributions to COAL. I think I would
> want them to go to the COAL website directly for this.

OK. I figured the mechanism would just be an extra way of utilizing
whatever interface you provided on your website. As I said this is of
much lesser importantce in my mind than any of the other stuff.

I have also been thinking, since folks may/will want to include their
on proprietary libraries in their copy of COAL providing some
funcitionality to easilly update their local coal xml configuration
file to reflect their local additions.

perhaps this could be done by scanning the package path for files,
determining which ones aren't listed and then prompting the user for
confirmation that the found components should be added to the config
xml file. At the same time as the confirmation the user could be
prompted for the components version number (which I belive Ryan told
me is tracked) the version numbers at this step could be defaulted to
1 (or whatever the initial version number used by COAL is).

I figure the easier it is to use COAL in all aspects, the better it will be.

It already appears exceptionally easy to use a COAL component that is
in place. So now what I basically want to do is make it easy for
someone to administer their COAL installation.


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Bill Rawlinson

Sep 26, 2005, 11:52:04 PM9/26/05
Well, I haven't actually heard any feedback at all yet (except for
Ryans one comment) so I guess I can start to at least move forward in
the design phase.

What I'll do first is spec out the server component and give a rough
idea on what I expect the client end will be able to do - for the time
being I will not include any functionality for submitting components
as per Ryan's consideration on the topic.

I'll then submit the server component spec to you all for review/comments.


Ryan Guill

Sep 27, 2005, 8:26:45 AM9/27/05
Sounds great Bill.

On the submitting to COAL from the clients local copy that will be
doing the updating and stuff, if we create an api on the COAL website
now (which doesnt exist yet) to submit components for COAL, it will be
really easy to just add that to their interface later on.

Definately though, lets not make any decisions for certain until after
I get these changes made to COAL that I was mentioning in the other
email. And while im doing that, if there are any changes that need to
be made the COAL xml that will make this process easier, it'll be a
good time to do it.

Also, dont worry about the lack of feedback, this list doesn't have
but 30 members so far and some of those aren't getting emails from it.
So we really haven't come out of our shells here yet.

Ryan Guill
(270) 217.2399
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The Coldfusion Open Application Library - COAL -
The Roman Empire:

Phillip Senn

Sep 27, 2005, 9:34:23 AM9/27/05
> Well, I haven't actually heard any feedback at all yet
I'm just hanging on by the fingernails, trying to understand what COAL is
all about.

The light still hasn't gone on for me.
I wonder if Ryan did a Captivate video on how to use the COAL methodology,
if that would help.

Ryan Guill

Sep 27, 2005, 9:42:29 AM9/27/05
Hey Phillip,

I have been talking to a couple people about doing another
presentation that can be recorded soon, as well as some other things.
In the meantime, is there anything specifically that you don't get, or
you dont know anything about it at all yet?
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