0.0.8 Issues, maybe?

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Mar 24, 2006, 7:09:37 PM3/24/06
A couple of issues I have seen since installing:

* "coal.cfm" fails if there isn't an "application.cfm" or
"application.cfc" page. I have suggested to add a code which checks
IsDefined("application"). If not, throw an exception. People probably
shouldn't use the framework unless there is an application. otherwise,
we would need to code around the application variables.

* If I use a service name with "BIN" or "LIB" as the prefix, the
located does not find the "service"; even if it is just a prefix like

I am not sure if these are my issues or something with 0.0.8, but I
figured I would throw it out there in case anyone is interested.

In addition, I am trying to bring on 3-4 CF developers to chime in.
This is such a good idea and for those of use who are not enamored with
FuseBox or others which change development paradisms away from OO, I
see a lot of potential...think Laszlo (since you need to start giving
blood and plasma for MM Flex; especially with Adobe on the board).

"solutions, not answers"


Mar 24, 2006, 7:14:06 PM3/24/06
nevermind guys, i have answered my own question. all of the service
names must be all lowercase. I may have missed that in the
documentation. I seem to remember reading something about suggestions
for naming conventions, but they must be lowercase...is there any way
to delete a goofy post? :(

"apparently goof ball solutions, with answers talking to himself"

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