Welcome to the COAL Google Group

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Jul 19, 2005, 11:09:34 AM7/19/05
to CF_...@googlegroups.com
I just want to welcome everyone to the COAL google group! We will be
talking about different things with COAL development, the development
of the services for COAL, and any other questions or concerns. This
will be the best place for the time being to post any bug reports or
implementation questions, or just general discussion.

For posterity, some COAL links are
http://coal.ryanguill.com/ - The COAL website
http://coal.ryanguill.com/contact/ - the COAL contact form.
(if anyone wants to help out so much as to be added as a contact for
this form, please let me know)
http://ryanguill.com/blog/ - the Roman Empire, my blog

Glad to see you here and hopefully this project will really start to
take off soon!

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