(``-_-´´) + BrinKadeiraS: 2509 BrinKadeiraS

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(``-_-´´) BrinKadeiraS

May 9, 2010, 5:01:38 PM5/9/10
to brinka...@googlegroups.com


Link to (-_-´´) BrinKadeiraS

iPad Knockoff Upgraded with Android 2.1 and Larger Display

Posted: 08 May 2010 01:06 PM PDT

Dev Channel Update

Posted: 06 May 2010 06:41 PM PDT

The Dev channel has been updated to 5.0.396.0 for Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms

  • The toolbar, omnibox and other UI changes reverted for Chrome 5 have been restored in this build.
  • Fixed bug related to scheme stripping that could cause URLs of the form "http://ftp.foo.com" to be misnavigated, by not stripping the scheme in this case.
  • Many bugs fixed relating to stripping "http://" and its interaction with the clipboard. Chrome should now prepend schemes onto the pasted text in a variety of situations.
  • Continual polish to main frame UI, including the bookmark bar
  • Bookmark bar icons should no longer be cropped under some GTK themes
    (particularly, the new ones in Ubuntu Lucid).
  • Flash content when using nspluginwrapper should be clickable again.
  • Linux: Fixed a crash caused by a premature application data record in the middle of an SSL handshake (Issue: 42538)
Known Issues More details about additional changes are available in the svn log of all revision. You can find out about getting on the Dev channel here: http://dev.chromium.org/getting-involved/dev-channel. If you find new issues, please let us know by filing a bug at http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/entry

Twitter: 6 portugueses ultrapassaram os 30.000 seguidores

Posted: 07 May 2010 02:00 AM PDT

Os números valem o que valem -- e nas redes sociais devem ser tomados com graaaande latitude, pois nem sempre valem alguma coisa. Contudo, são uma das medidas pelas quais as contas no Twitter são sopesadas. E no Twitter há desde há algumas horas seis portugueses com mais de 30.000 seguidores, ou followers. A conta mais recente a superar os 30.000 foi @jafonso -- isto segundo o top do TwitterPortugal.com.

Esta semana a minha conta passou os 20.000 followers. Sou o 14º honroso classificado daquela tabela, continuando a descer à medida que a rede se alarga :)

(Disclaimer: o TwitterPortugal.com é um projecto onde tenho interesses).

The future of O3D

Posted: 07 May 2010 10:00 AM PDT

We launched the O3D API about a year ago to start a discussion within the web community about establishing a new standard for 3D graphics on the web. Since then, we’ve also helped develop WebGL, a 3D graphics API based on OpenGL ES 2.0 that has gradually emerged as a standard, and is supported by other browser and hardware vendors like Mozilla, Apple and Opera.

At Google, we’re deeply committed to implementing and advancing standards, so as of today, the O3D project is changing direction, evolving from its current plug-in implementation into a JavaScript library that runs on top of WebGL. Users and developers will still be able to download the O3D plug-in and source code for at least one year, but other than a maintenance release, we plan to stop developing O3D as a plug-in and focus on improving WebGL and O3D as a JavaScript library.

We did not take this decision lightly. In initial discussions we had about WebGL, we were concerned that JavaScript would be too slow to drive a low-level API like OpenGL and we were convinced that a higher level approach like the O3D scene graph would yield better results. We were also cognizant of the lack of installed OpenGL drivers on many Windows machines, and that this could hamper WebGL’s adoption.

Since then, JavaScript has become a lot faster. We've been very impressed by the demos that developers have created with WebGL, and with the ANGLE project, we believe that Chromium will be able to run WebGL content on Windows computers without having to rely on installed OpenGL drivers.

The JavaScript implementation of O3D is still in its infancy, but you can find a copy of it on the O3D project site and see it running some of the O3D samples from a WebGL enabled browser (alas, no Beach Demo yet). Because browsers lack some requisite functionality like compressed asset loading, not all the features of O3D can be implemented purely in JavaScript. We plan to work to give the browser this functionality, and all capabilities necessary for delivering high-quality 3D content.

We’d like to thank the developers who have contributed to O3D by delivering valuable feedback, submitting changes to the plugin and developing applications. To help you convert your application to the new WebGL implementation of O3D, we will keep our discussion group open where our engineering team will answer your questions and provide you with technical advice. For those of you concerned about support for Internet Explorer, we’ll recommend using Google Chrome Frame once it supports WebGL, and hope to see IE implement WebGL natively someday. We hope you will continue working with us and the rest of the WebGL community on moving 3D on the web forward.

Posted by Matt Papakipos, Engineering Director, and Vangelis Kokkevis, Software Engineer

Certificação THX

Posted: 07 May 2010 01:10 AM PDT

Finalmente levantou-se o véu sobre o que se esconde por trás da certificação ecrã THX.

Durante décadas, a certificação THX da Lucasfilm (sim a do George Lucas) era garantia da melhor qualidade visual e sonora nas salas de cinema e equipamento "topo-de-gama", e nos tempos mais recentes começou a surgir em alguns televisores.

E agora, alguns "civis" conseguiram ver como tudo se processa, e quais os testes realizados para que um televisor possa receber este galardão.

Entre as dúzias de testes efectuados, os visitantes referiram sete:
  1. A variação de cor nos vários pontos de medição tem que ser inferior a ±0.005.
  2. A refelectividade do ecrã tem que permitir a visualização numa sala iluminada com lâmpadas.
  3. Uniformidade da iluminação no ecrã (problema que atormenta muitos LCD, e LCD LED).
  4. Reprodução da cor quando visto de um ângulos até 45º - outro problema que afecta muitos LCDs.
  5. Testes de retenção de imagem (problema nos Plasmas)
  6. Mostrar uma imagem FullHD sem qualquer "redimensionamento" ou processamento.
  7. Processamento digital não pode introduzir interferências ou adicionar artefactos indesejáveis.

E isto são apenas alguns dos testes!

Não há assim tantos modelos que o mereçam, mas fico feliz por ver que vários modelos LG estão na lista, incluindo não só os LCD LED, como também os seus plasmas 50PK750, and 60PK750...

Ora... se bem se recordam, uma das minhas recentes aquisições foi um Plasma, um LG 50PK250... Um modelo que dispensa algumas funcionalidades multimédia (DLNA, USB, ethernet, etc.) mas cujo processamento e qualidade de imagem são exactamente os mesmos que os modelos PK750. Se dúvidas houvesse, fica assim "provada" que realmente foi uma grande aquisição. :)

Relativamente à questão da retenção de imagem nos plasmas, de uma imagem poder ficar "queimada" no ecrã (algo que, tendo vindo de um LCD, me causava algum receio) fico satisfeito por saber que o teste THX especifica que: um padrão em "xadrez" estático é exibido durante 2h, e em 10 minutos de utilização do modo de "recuperação", o ecrã tem que recuperar a 98% da qualidade.
Portanto... se sobrevive a isto, sobrevive a qualquer uso (e abuso) normal.

OpenOffice.org 3.2.1 RC1

Posted: 08 May 2010 02:43 AM PDT

OpenOffice.org is the leading open-source office software suite for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, databases and more. It is available in many languages and works on all common computers.

(``-_-´´) + BrinKadeiraS: 2508 BrinKadeiraS

Posted: 08 May 2010 02:02 PM PDT

(``-_-) BrinKadeiraS

////////////////////////////// /////////////
I ask for 50 percent up-front payment on all projects. A client argued with
me that it was not...

Posted: 07 May 2010 06:22 AM PDT

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