Sangha requests your feedback (and/or presence!) for Wednesday planning meeting

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Breathing Heart Sangha

Jan 3, 2021, 6:51:50 PM1/3/21
to Breathing Heart Sangha
Dear Friends,

  We are looking to get your input on how and when our meetings are convened in the New Year.
  Please complete the quick, open-ended survey at  

 We want to discuss your feedback at our next planning meeting.
 The Sangha planning meeting will be Wednesday, January 6 at 7pm. (full connection info below)

All are welcome to join!

Message from Kaira Jewel:
January metta retreat with mostly BIPOC teachers

Dear ones, wishing you blessings of peace and justice in this new year. 

I wanted to let you know that Konda Mason, Jeff Haozous, myself and Melvin Escobar, all BIPOC teachers, along with Donald Rothberg (who is white-bodied), are teaching the January Metta retreat online through Spirit Rock this January 10-16. If you are able to share widely we would be most grateful. Here is the link with more information and where folks can register:

much gratitude and love,
Kaira Jewel

Gender pronouns: she, her, hers  (Why is this important?
To stay in touch and learn about my upcoming mindfulness teaching and events, please sign up for my e-newsletter here.
My recent article in Lion's RoarIn Times of Crisis, Draw on the Strength of Peace
Connect with me:

Connection Information for our meetings 

Join Co-arising Mindful Heart Sangha Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 847 4192 2975  -  Password: iamhome
Audio-only by phone, tap: +19292056099,,84741922975#,,1#,556500# 
Or dial it:  929-205-6099  -  Meeting ID: 847 4192 2975  -  Password: 556500

May you all be well and safe,

Earl Daniels
Communications Coordinator
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