Sunday guest teacher Kaira Jewel Lingo

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Breathing Heart Sangha

Jan 21, 2022, 12:39:48 PM1/21/22
to Breathing Heart Sangha
Dear Friends,

The Sangha will gather online Sunday, January 23, from 9am to 10:30 am ET (connection info below)

We are pleased to announce that Kaira Jewel Lingo is scheduled to join us Jan 23 to discuss her new book, We Were Made for These Times

We will share sitting meditation (from the book), and a period of dharma sharing.

Please join with us!

Further wisdom
    Upcoming Meetings

    We will meet January 29  at 9am ET

    A special thanks to David Lockman, who arranged Kaira Jewel's visit this week. Daivd will also be presenting on "Competition" on the 29th.

    Collaborative Practice Planning meetings are Tuesday evenings at 7pm ET - use the same link as for meetings.

    Everyone is invited to join with us next Tuesday!

    Connection Information for our meetings 

    Join Co-arising Mindful Heart Sangha Zoom Meeting 
    - or -

    Meeting ID: 847 4192 2975  -  Password: iamhome
    Audio-only by phone, tap: +19292056099,,84741922975#,,1#,556500# 
    Or dial it:  929-205-6099  -  Meeting ID: 847 4192 2975  -  Password: 556500

    May you find peace in every moment,
    Earl Daniels
    Communications Coordinator
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