Saturday - celebrating Thich Nhat Hanh’s 95th Continuation Day

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Breathing Heart Sangha

Oct 7, 2021, 2:18:32 PM10/7/21
to Breathing Heart Sangha
Dear Friends,

     The Sangha will gather online Saturday, October 9, from 9am  to 10:30 am ish. (connection info below)

We will share music, sitting meditation, and dharma sharing. 

This week we will celebrate Thich Nhat Hanh’s 95th Continuation Day

Please consider joining us with a brief sharing on how Thay has contributed to your practice and your life.

Further wisdom
    • Retreat: The Way of the Ancestors Retreat - Oct 15th-17th: a 3-day online retreat with Dharma Teachers Larry Ward, Joe Reilly, Ava Avalos, Peggy Rowe, Diane Little Eagle and other friends. We are gathering to honor and practice with our blood, spiritual and land ancestors during this auspicious time of year. Find out more and register here.

    • Magnolia Grove Monastery planned to restart the Thursday 5pm Online Mindfulness Practice Session - check their website for a registration link.
    Upcoming Meetings

    The Sangha will gather October 17, 23, 31 at 9am - Alternating / every other Saturday and Sunday.

    Everyone is invited, welcomed, encouraged, supported and celebrated at every Collaborative Planning meeting - Tuesday evenings at 7pm ET - use the same link as for meetings.

    Connection Information for our meetings 

    Join Co-arising Mindful Heart Sangha Zoom Meeting 
    - or -

    Meeting ID: 847 4192 2975  -  Password: iamhome
    Audio-only by phone, tap: +19292056099,,84741922975#,,1#,556500# 
    Or dial it:  929-205-6099  -  Meeting ID: 847 4192 2975  -  Password: 556500

    May you find the peace in every breath,
    Earl Daniels
    Communications Coordinator
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