Saturday meeting (apologies for late notice!)

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Breathing Heart Sangha

Jan 1, 2022, 1:08:28 AM1/1/22
to Breathing Heart Sangha
Dear Friends,

   Apologies for the late notice...

The Sangha will gather online Saturday, Jan 1, from 9am ET to 10:30am. (connection info below)

We will share music, sitting meditation, a recitation of the Five Mindfulness Trainings, and a period of dharma sharing.

Please join us, no matter where you are on your journey...

Sharing wisdom
    • Thich Nhat Hanh on... / What is Spiritual Authority? - Plum Village
      Our teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh explains the difference between hierarchy and spiritual authority and how not to get caught in the forms of showing respect.
    Upcoming Meetings

    The Sangha will meet January 9, 15, 23, 29 at 9am.

    Creative Practice Planning meetings are held briefly after some social/sharing time after Saturday Sangha Meetings. We will still meet Tuesday evenings at 7pm ET for additional planning and fellowship - use the same link as for meetings.

    Connection Information for our meetings 

    Join Co-arising Mindful Heart Sangha Zoom Meeting
    Easy access to meetings: a shortcut link:
    - or -

    Meeting ID: 847 4192 2975  -  Password: iamhome
    Audio-only by phone, tap: +19292056099,,84741922975#,,1#,556500# 
    Or dial it:  929-205-6099  -  Meeting ID: 847 4192 2975  -  Password: 556500

    With a deep bow for this email being so late...
    May you all be well and safe,
    Earl Daniels
    Communications Coordinator

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