[Action requested] Dana, Mailing list, and a good deal on a book!

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Breathing Heart Sangha

Jan 29, 2022, 7:07:29 PM1/29/22
to Breathing Heart Sangha
Dear Sangha,

   As Kaira Jewel taught us today in our wonderful meeting, our actions are all that we truly own.

   Please consider one or more of the following actions:
  1. Contribute Dana to Kaira Jewel to thank her for lovingly leading our Sangha today - and/or buy her book

  2. Subscribe to our new mailing list or let us know otherwise (or just drop us an update!)

  3. Get a PDF copy of the Chanting book for $1 - a good reference source,

The new mailing list will become the only active communication channel in a week or two.
We will transfer active addresses from the old list.
This recent wave of emails will settle back to a once-a-week reminder!

Earl Daniels
Communications Coordinator
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