FROM MARY ANN ON: US Senators Voting 7/8/2008 on "Lupus" Bill ... important to many of you

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Ilena Rose

Jul 9, 2008, 1:06:40 PM7/9/08

Thanks to Mary Ann for this additional info ... I understand that the Senate Bill is numbered 3101.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mary Ann
Date: Jul 9, 2008 10:37 AM
Subject: Re: US Senators Voting 7/8/2008 on "Lupus" Bill ... important to many of you

Dear ilena,  It has been a long time since we've spoken, my name is Mary Ann
This bill regarding Lupus, as you have stated is very important to us Lupus patients.  I have had this chronic disease for approx. 15 years and am unable to take steroids and plaquenil.  I am treated with other medications.  I took the opportunity to contact Senator Chuck Schumer's office in Washington and stated my case to his office personell.  The representative advised me that it has NOT been voted upon yet, perhaps tomorrow.  I also asked his position on this bill but did not receive a thumbs up or down.  I also took the liberty to advise them that I speak on behalf of all women nationwide who suffer with Lupus.
Please advise all women who have Lupus or know and love someone with Lupus, to contact Senator Chuck Schumer's office TODAY to advise him to vote YES!  The phone number for his office in Washington is #202-224-6542.  If everyone could give a quick call advising them as to the importance of this Bill and the lives he would be helping, perhaps
placing a real-life personal aspect to this chronic disease will sway Mr. Schumer in the proper direction!  Time is of the essence. 
Please call NOW, today's actions could be our last hope for the future of treatment.

Mary Ann


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