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Does your community have space for trees?

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Alice Archer

Oct 14, 2008, 8:18:23 AM10/14/08
to Bristol Sustainability Network
The Art of Living Foundation and the United Nations have
undertaken a global project of planting 100million trees
worldwide: Mission Green Earth- Stand Up and Take Action.

At the United Nations Millennium summit in 2000, 189
nations committed to building a safer, prosperous,
equitable world for all by 2015 by developing the eight
Millennium goals. To support this the Stand Up and Speak
Out Campaign, initiated by The Art of Living Foundation
was held in October 2007 and saw 127 countries bring 43,7
million people together to take an oath towards ending
poverty ­ the First Millennium Goal.

This year we are supporting the seventh Millennium goal by
paying special attention to the environment. Global
warming is no longer “somebody else’s problem”, it is a
reality that has not only touched us but has left deep
scars on our planet through various natural calamities
(cyclones, hurricanes, tsunami’s etc). A simple, natural
and effective way to counteract this is to plant trees ­
and Mission Green Earth is a commitment to plant 100
million trees and have 100 million people worldwide pledge
to ensure environmental sustainability.

We hope to plant as many trees across the UK as possible.
In Ashford (Kent) we have an event planned for the 1st of
November (see attached poster for more details), and we
hope to have further events across the country depending
on whether we are able to procure suitable planting sites
as well as the trees.

Hope to hear from you soon
Best wishes
Dr. Jaymini Chouhan
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