Announcing the new Semantic Discovery System - with options for Academic (free) and Commercial licensing

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Ian Goldsmid

Feb 15, 2007, 7:01:10 PM2/15/07
Dear all

I am pleased to announce the new Semantic Discovery System (SDS) with
options for Academic (free) and Commercial licensing. This is also an invite
to visit our Early Access Product Forums, and if you wish, to also download
the Early Access Release Software - please see below signature: At the SDS
EAP forum

In the interests of brevity I am saying the barest minimum here - and if the
following seems interesting there's some more detail below - and much more
at the In Silico Discovery Forums and Web Site, again as referenced below.

The Semantic Discovery System (SDS) has developed out of many years of
formal collaborations with GlaxoSmithKline, and the Universities of
Pennsylvania and Manchester, producing an original R&D information discovery
'semantic web' technology that supersedes the well known TAMBIS system - and
we are just now making an Early Access Release of SDS available at a
privately hosted collaborative forum to which we are inviting your
participation and any colleagues you may wish to invite too (see details
below: - At the SDS EAP Forum).

We are keen to get your feedback, and to invite your participation to the
degree possible for you, in reviewing, using, recommending, and even
participating in the specification, design & development of new features and
functions for everyone's benefit. And please feel free to forward this to
anyone else you think might be interested.

Regards, Ian
Ian Goldsmid
UK: +44 (208) 816 8379
US West Coast: +1 (415) 691 6097
US East Coast: +1 (617) 997 0920
Skype ID: igoldsmid

SDS From an end-user's perspective

The important productivity point our collaborators feel is that researchers
are now empowered to ask questions 'in their own terms' (for example "find
me all compounds with molecular weight < 500, logP <= 5 and number of
hydrogen bond donors <= 5'...") and SDS will retrieve the results from
disparate databases, files, external web services and the like. The
Collaborators believe an important business point is that because the low
level code to answer these questions is automatically generated, there is a
great acceleration available in turnaround time - and researchers can now be
increasingly in charge of their own In Silico discovery.

SDS From a semantic web technologist's perspective

SDS enables "OWL all the way down" so to speak. Meaning: first, there is a
layer of SPARQL query processing 'under' the OWL GUI. This layer
communicates 'all the way down' to the substrate distributed data sources so
full-on federated queries using SPARQL are achieved. In order to 'work' SDS
has implemented a layer of object relational mapping (called K3MDL) that
sits on top of the data dictionary which describes the low level physical
data sources connected to (RDBMS, Flat Files, Algorithms, Web
Sites/Services). These low level K3SQL addressable syntactic data structures
then become abstracted into higher level semantic 'concepts' that can also
be queried by K3SQL or indirectly by SPARQL. These concepts can have
arbitrary relationships defined between them (which obviously underpin the
whole Ontology query system) so the whole infrastructure is identical in
function to a virtual RDF triple store.

At the SDS EAP Forum

The Forum is already set up with a read/view only login for you (the Forums
will become visible after you have logged in) or any of your colleagues at - please use "guest" for the User Name
and "guest" for the Password too. This grants you access to view and read
all the forums but not reply to, or create new posts, and you can also
download the Early Access Release of SDS, and accompanying documentation

We hope you wish to participate more fully (posting/responding etc), and if
you do please reply to this email (as opposed to registering at the forum),
or you can respond with a separate email to me at and please indicate which organization you
are affiliated with (if it's not obvious from the email domain), and I will
create a forum registration for you with post and reply permissions - (this
precaution is because at this point the EAP Forums are private/hidden unless
registered, are restricted to invitees, and we also wish to prevent junk
mailers entering the forums so we currently delete all web initiated
registrations that have an unknown email domain).

We would be delighted if you would choose to participate more fully.

The SDS web site is in transition from a very
basic 'design' to a much better one (complete in about two weeks from now) -
though it contains plenty of information including numerous Powerpoint
presentations and product documentation - so if looks don't bother you too

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