Why I'm for Kennedy

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Bill Totten

May 27, 2023, 9:01:56 AM5/27/23
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Why I'm for Kennedy

by A J Smuskiewicz

https://www.unz.com (May 22 2023)


When I was a teenager in the mid-1970s, I considered myself to be an
environmentalist. I wanted to protect natural habitats and wildlife
because I loved them and I was interested in them. Those positive
feelings had been inspired by my own experiences with nature and
animals, as well as by Marlin Perkins' Wild Kingdom and other animal
television shows. Plus, there were still lingering vibes of the nature
and ecology movement from the 1960s and early 1970s. My family used to
have one of those green "e" (for ecology) flag {1} stickers on our
house's front window. If you're around my age (63) or older, you
probably remember that stylized "e“ symbol.

But when is the last time you even heard the word "ecology"? That word
implies an understanding and appreciation of the ways in which nature
works - the ways in which wildlife interact with one another and their
natural habitats and the ways in which humans interact with nature.
Those were the kinds of things that I was interested in - just because
I found them to be fascinating topics. And I remain interested in, and
loving of, wildlife and nature today.

Unfortunately, somewhere along the line, people stopped talking about
ecology, wildlife, and nature in ways that expressed love and genuine
interest. Nowadays, kids will tell you that all the polar bears are
going to drown and die because of global warming, but they probably
can't tell you anything about what polar bears eat, where they live,
or how they behave. There seems to be none of the curiosity and joyful
fascination I had as a kid about the basic scientific and zoological
facts of the natural world. There is only the cramming of ever more
doom and gloom into the little skulls full of mush (to borrow a phrase
from Rush).

The joyful spiritual aspects of environmentalism have been totally
replaced by dark fear-mongering authoritarianism. The nature-loving
ecology/environmental movement of the 1960s and 1970s has been
replaced by the joyless, depressing climate change cult of today. The
flower child hippies have transformed into computerized regulatory
bureaucrats and ESG enforcers. People are not encouraged or persuaded
to want to protect nature out of love and joy. Instead, they are
bludgeoned to comply with authorities' strict directives and dark
propaganda designed to provoke fears of climate armageddon. And this
modern-day propaganda tends to self-centeredly focus on how the
impending end times will impact human civilization, with little talk
about the natural world of plants and animals and ecology.

This change in the environmental discussion caused me to lose my
connection with the discussion. I disconnected myself from it. I don't
want to be constantly bombarded with climate change, net zero by 2050,
no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius, clean green obscene bullshit
propaganda. I ain't interested. It's exaggerated BS, it's depressing,
it's hateful, it's politically motivated crap. It's not designed to
protect nature or "save the planet". It's designed to grow the power
and profits of globalist elitist authoritarians and to cement their
absolute control over our lives. I'm not supporting that crap. If
that's what they call being an environmentalist today, it ain't me,
babe {2}.

Love, not fear

Robert F Kennedy Jr and Charles Eisenstein had a refreshingly
insightful discussion about these issues on a May 16 podcast {3}. I
urge you to listen to it. It reminded me of why I still love and want
to conserve the beautiful natural world.

In the podcast, Kennedy gives his personal perspective on
environmentalism - a perspective that seems to be based on his strong
spiritual beliefs and religious faith. He values the preservation of
species and natural habitats out of the love that he developed for
nature during his youth. He characterizes the loss of any species or
animal or plant as a diminishment of God's greatness and God's
creation - and why would a loving person want to diminish God's work
in that way?

I was struck by that idea, which I had never thought of before in that
way. And I find this beautiful concept to be a much more attractive,
compelling, and honest argument for protecting the natural environment
than the self-righteous, fundamentalist, fire-and-brimstone lectures
about civilizational and planetary destruction that we usually hear
from public figures.

Although Kennedy says that he believes in the importance of addressing
climate change (something that I remain very skeptical about), he
acknowledges that climate change has become an extremely divisive
issue that believers cannot force on others and that his own views on
it have relied on information that he has heard from various
"experts". His lack of expertise in climate science, he notes,
contrasts with his knowledge about air and water pollution and drugs
and vaccines - subjects on which he has educated himself in great
scientific detail and which he has expertly litigated for decades as a
successful environmental lawyer.

Kennedy and Eisenstein bemoan the current excessive, obsessive focus
on carbon dioxide among environmentalists, at the expense of other,
more tangible threats to the environment. They explored that
particular issue in depth in a podcast on May 02 2022.

Now, that's the kind of independent, clear-thinking,
anti-establishment, nonauthoritarian environmentalism that I can
support - and that I can vote for. That's the kind of environmentalism
I believed in the 1970s.

Podcasts and interviews

As I have watched many of Kennedy's interviews over the past month -
since he launched his campaign for the presidency with an amazing
almost two-hour speech {4} on April 19, I have found many other
reasons to strongly support his candidacy. I especially like his
overall theme of "the corrupt merger of state and corporate power that
is threatening now to impose a new kind of corporate feudalism in our
country". He has repeatedly condemned the spread of authoritarianism
and globalism, along with the lack of genuine free-market capitalism
in the United States. What other Democrat talks like that these days?
A few Republicans mention those issues, but they rarely get into the
kind of detail and depth that Kennedy easily and knowledgeably


For example, Kennedy can discuss the complexities of the Ukraine war
in detail, including the provocation of the war by the United States
with its meddling in Ukraine over the past several years, the
prolongation of the war to benefit the American military-industrial
complex, and the insidious behind-the-scenes influence of the
neocon/neolib globalists in the conflict. It's almost unprecedented to
see an American political candidate speak intelligently about such
complex not-allowed-to-talk-about issues! I've always liked Trump, but
his simplistic statements about Ukraine (Putin never would have done
that if I were president, I just want people to stop dying) pale in
comparison with Kennedy's obvious depth of understanding.

By the way, there are many Kennedy podcasts posted on Spotify {5},
dating back to February 02 2021, so he was expressing his
"controversial" views on issues for quite a while before his
presidential announcement. Throughout this essay, I am directing your
attention to certain podcasts by giving the dates of the shows. You
can then scroll through the list of shows to find them if you care to.
Or, just scan through the list on your own and check out the titles
that sound interesting to you. Two of the podcasts in which Kennedy
discusses the war in Ukraine are dated May 10 2023 and May 05 2023.

Depth of understanding is important to have for a president because
that will provide the backbone he needs to prevent himself from
getting rolled by the Deep State bastards. Trump lacks the depth and
intellectualism of Kennedy. That's why I have no confidence that he
would be able to stand up to the neocon warmongers regarding Ukraine.
After all, when he was president, he sent weapons to Ukraine at the
urging of the warmongers around him. Trump's good instincts were not
and are not enough. He got rolled then, and he would get rolled again.
Kennedy's depth of understanding would allow him to stand strong,
fight back, and prevail against the warmongers.

The worst matter on which Trump got rolled by the permanent swampy
insider class was COVID. The lockdown, the masks, the vaccine push,
and all the other fascist Fauci-Birx nonsense. Kennedy literally wrote
the book {6} on Fauci (June 19 2021 podcast) and the movie (January 16
2023 podcast), and he would never allow that kind of crooked lying
unconstitutional shit to happen in his administration.

Kennedy is probably best known for being "anti-vaccine" and a "vaccine
skeptic". Those are derogatory put-downs used to dismiss him, because
he has had the courage to speak out against the corrupt collusion
between government and pharmaceutical companies in pushing unsafe and
ineffective drugs and vaccines - with the COVID jabs being the most
recent and prominent example (August 03 2022; March 17 2022). He has
also suggested {7} that his own neurological speech problem (spasmodic
dysphonia) may have originated as an adverse reaction to a drug.

The COVID issue really hits home for me, because I have a science
background, I knew that the masks were useless and that vaccines were
potentially dangerous - and I lost a job as a result of my refusal to
comply with Biden's damn vaccine mandate. So, I will champion anyone
who speaks out against that government-corporate wickedness. America
has become a frightened hypochondriac nation that is addicted to
pharmaceutical products, with everyone stuck in some form of unnatural
drug-induced trance. Having a president who is knowledgeable and
articulates about these issues could be extremely educational and
beneficial for the American public. And it would be wonderful to see
the lies of the medical establishment (October 31 2022) and
pharmaceutical companies (March 18 2022) exposed by a US president.

It should not surprise anyone that government and corporations have
colluded to force harmful drugs and vaccines on the public,
considering that they have been colluding for decades to put
disease-causing toxic chemicals in our environment (June 10 2021),
food (March 09 2022), and various consumer products (May 19 2022).
Kennedy built his legal career {8} on fighting such polluters and
merchants of disease, and that makes him uniquely qualified to battle
them from the bully pulpit. He has a record of legal accomplishments
protecting health and the environment that should win praise from any
real environmentalist - but not the phony, self-proclaimed,
carbon-obsessed "environmentalists" of today.

Yet another modern-day American problem with which Kennedy is uniquely
poised to battle is the growing attack on free speech and the
spreading wave of Big Tech censorship (May 16 2022). The elite
know-it-alls who control media platforms have been trying to shut him
up and discredit him for years regarding his truth-telling on corrupt,
profiteering pharmaceutical and chemical companies. Referring to the
lengthy speech he was giving to announce his presidential candidacy,
Kennedy said, "This is what happens when you censor somebody for 18
years. I got a lot to talk about. They shouldn't have shut me up for
that long because now I'm really going to let loose on them for the
next 18 months."

Kennedy has also said that his first action as president would be to
pardon Julian Assange (March 17 2023), and he wrote on Twitter {9},
"Instead of championing free speech, the US actively persecutes
journalists and whistleblowers. I'll pardon brave truth-tellers like
Julian Assange and investigate the corruption and crimes they exposed.
This isn't the Soviet Union. The America I love doesn't imprison

Besides being condemned by the conformist media propagandist sheep as
a vaccine skeptic, Kennedy is also often put down as a "conspiracy
theorist". That's because of his bold outspokenness in exposing the
many government-promoted lies that are ingrained in our culture and
society, including government lies about the killings of his uncle
(December 09 2021) and father and other CIA deceptions (December 04

For speaking out about those lies, the sheep call him a nut. But
anyone who keeps on believing the constant stream of government
bullshit has to be the real nut. What the hell does it take to wake
some people up? Perhaps it will take the never-before-heard truth
coming out of a White House with a new Kennedy as president.

Not normal times

Kennedy has stated that he would never be running for president if
these were "normal times", and that he was prompted to run because
these are not normal times. He has expressed his alarm at the rise of
globalist authoritarianism and at the corruption of his Democrat
Party, particularly in regard to COVID, the Ukraine war, and
censorship. And, again, he stresses the overall theme of
government-corporate collusion in this authoritarian advance. In
listening to his discussion of these issues in his many podcasts and
interviews, it is clear to me that he is much more anti-establishment
than Trump, as well as far more articulate about his reasons for being
anti-establishment. That is why I am supporting Kennedy over Trump for
the 2024 presidential election.

Most talking heads say that Kennedy has no chance to win. As Kennedy
himself has noted, he, like his dad in 1968, is running against a
powerful Democrat establishment and war machine. His dad was also
initially brushed off as having no chance. But RFK Sr's victory in the
California primary {10} showed that he might very well win. Then right
after that primary victory, he was killed. That happened five years
after his brother John, who also opposed the American war machine, was

A lot of American hope was killed with the assassinations of John and
Robert. Much more hope has been killed since. But Robert's son is a
living connection to those more hopeful times of the 1960s. Can that
seemingly dead hope be brought back to life via this blood connection?

Are there enough thinking, caring, knowledgeable Americans left to
support the messenger of such hope? Can Kennedy break through the
media wall of censorship and propaganda to even get his message widely
heard? Does America have enough virtue, goodness, and self-respect
left to listen to the message and to be moved to action?

In all honesty, my gut tells me "no". There is no way that the
thoroughly decadent America of 2023~2024 will support an RFK today the
way that many Americans supported an RFK in 1968.

The country is now just too damn lost, corrupt, sick, and stupid. But
I don't care. I am supporting him anyway. My hope for RFK Jr is
allowing me to cling onto some small remnant of hope for a nation that
I had totally given up on - and for an environmental cause that I had

Interesting interview

Finally, I suggest that you watch an especially interesting 50-minute
interview {11} of Kennedy handling some pretty tough questions from
crazy-ass leftie Krystal Ball and her friend Saagar on Ukraine,
vaccines, climate change, Biden, Trump, and other things. I think his
answers show why many folks on the right are finding him attractive,
including on environmental issues and climate change.



{1} https://www.flagamerican.com/ecologyflag.aspx

{2} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoagldK69U0

{3} https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/rfkjr/

{4} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVLd3g82ZNw

{5} https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/rfkjr

{6} https://www.amazon.com/Real-Anthony-Fauci-Democracy-Childrens/dp/1510766804/ref=sr_1_1?hvadid=604609564514&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9021605&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=1829406326282856474&hvtargid=kwd-1545116550865&hydadcr=22564_13493296&keywords=kennedy+book

{7} https://rumble.com/v2owuss-rfk-jr-says-hes-determined-to-trigger-a-political-earthquake-with-his-presi.html

{8} https://www.kennedy24.com/about

{9} https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr

{10} https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2018/06/04/robert-kennedy-assassination

{11} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjqDoPD7AXM&t=1s

A J Smuskiewicz Archive: https://www.unz.com/author/a-j-smuskiewicz/

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