Meeting on for Nov 22 Sunday 12N-3P, online & at FreeSpeechCafe, UCB.
Man, I'm hecka behind on getting announcemets out, updating news to btip list. I've been super too busy recently.
I didn't even have time to announce about Douglas Englebart's appearance at UCB this past week.! Man. & he's like the #1 guy for what btip is all about (collaborative technology to improve the world.)
There was one btip member there - will you please send a short writeup about your impressions to the btipglobal list? thanks. :)
Oh, well, we will have a meeting. :) Watch a video:
Send a message to the list as to what video(s) you've watched, so we can know what we should watch. :)
1st one to FSCafe please make a 8x11 sign & put it up at the table. :)