Chocolate Recipes On Video

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allan hannah

Mar 30, 2007, 8:14:49 AM3/30/07
to BEER101 - Beer 101
Are you trying to lose weight, but the call of chocolate keeps making
you cheat on your diet? Or maybe you just want to eat healthier for
yourself and your family, but still would like to find a healthier
alternative to processed desserts high in sugar, fat, calories, and
ingredients you can't even pronounce! For your convenience, we did all
the homework for you and took the guesswork out of baking gourmet,
exotic and international but healthier chocolate treats. Each recipe
comes with a step by step video demonstration as well as a
downloadable recipe. These recipes are tried and true to meet our
healthy conscious standards. Come indulge yourself in paradise as you
delight in our all natural, warm and gooey, absolutely sinful
chocolate cooking school!

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