Teaching adults how to cycle BBS Sadashivnagar session 8 June 2024

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Ali Poonawala

Jun 10, 2024, 8:01:47 AMJun 10
to Sharath Chandar, GGI-Club (Go Green Initiator's Club), Suma Arun
Hi friends 

Bangalore Bicycling School, Saturday 8th June 2024
Sadashivnagar session
Trainer : Suma Arun
Trainees- 4
1. Guhan - Ongoing- This young man rides very confidently now . Tried to learn to take turns. Needs a bit more practice with that.
2. Aryana- Ongoing- Was able to scoot better in this session. After a couple of scooting rounds was able to pedal a bit . Tends to keep her knees too close to the bike which restricts her body
3. Simran - Newbie - came all the way from Sarjapur with her parents. Was wearing loose pants and strapless footwear with restricted her movement. Managed to do some scooting and at the end of the session was a bit confident handling the bike.
4. Janaki - Ongoing- Continued to scoot and half pedal .
Taking it at her own pace . Kudos to her for being consistent.
Lead trainer
BBS Sadashivnagar 

PS : A general suggestion to all the trainees. Kindly avoid loose pants and strapless footwear . Focus on riding would not be possible
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