So Long And Hey That's My Fish!

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Avri Balofsky

Aug 6, 2017, 4:53:18 PM8/6/17
to Bet Shemesh Board Gaming Club
As the last games from the shelf are packed into boxes in hopes of finding/founding a new game night in Tel Mond, I wanted to thank everybody who was part of our lives and our gaming in Bet Shemesh.

It's been a wonderful 10 years of the BSBGC, from our humble beginnings on Rebbi Yanai, to over 60 people running though the house on Chol HaMoed. From the long defunct sessions reports to always suggesting, but never playing Sticheln or Terakh. From pizza in the sukkah, to racks of matzah lasagna. From flaming kettles, to cats falling out of our third floor window.

My best friends in Bet Shemesh are the ones I met through gaming, and thank you all for enriching our time here. 

(So uh, no, I'm not hosting this week).

Keep on Galaxy Truckin'
- Avri

Daniel Horovitz

Aug 6, 2017, 5:48:42 PM8/6/17
I will miss coming to game night. I mean I miss going to game night for the past several years, but I always had a notion of driving over to play. Good luck on your move. I hope it turns out to be everything you wanted.

From: Avri Balofsky <>
To: Bet Shemesh Board Gaming Club <>
Sent: Sunday, August 6, 2017 7:53 PM
Subject: [BSBGC] So Long And Hey That's My Fish!

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Yaakov Simon

Aug 6, 2017, 6:46:43 PM8/6/17
Avri (and Lorien!),

Thanks so much for being amazing gaming hosts over the years. You have brought me and my family countless hours of joy and board gaming goodness.

I wish you much hatzlachah on your move and an easy transition to your new community.

Kol tuv,


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Aug 7, 2017, 7:12:08 AM8/7/17
to Bet Shemesh Board Gaming Club
הצלחה רבה בהמשך הדרך! קליטה נעימה בקהילה החדשה. I too will miss you guys and the BSBGC. Be well. Be blessed. And GAME ON in your new place.

Richie Sevrinsky

Aug 8, 2017, 8:18:11 AM8/8/17
to Beit Shemesh Board Gaming Club
Thanks to Avri for bringing us all together and hosting for 10 fantastic years of brain-burning bedlam!


That's not all, folks! The board game group will continue after summer hiatus, once our regulars return from their vacations (including me).

We will resume on Tuesday, Sept 5 starting from 20:15 at my place, Nachal Shimshon 7/2. More immediate updates will be on the Whatsapp group -- please send me your number if you're not already on it.

- Richie

On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 10:12 AM, Yitzhak <> wrote:
הצלחה רבה בהמשך הדרך! קליטה נעימה בקהילה החדשה. I too will miss you guys and the BSBGC. Be well. Be blessed. And GAME ON in your new place.
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