Decision Management Notation (DMN) Grouping/Aggregation of List Data

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Jan 7, 2019, 2:15:46 AM1/7/19
to BPMN Forum
I am just getting started with Decision Management Notation (DMN), using a free trial of Trisotech DMN which in general terms I am liking a lot.  I am waiting to receive the Silver book DMN Method and Style from Amazon but its not here yet and not sure if it will cover this question:

I can't really overcome what appears to me to be a basic issue.  Maybe I am just not grasping some fundamental comments. representing the aggregation of list data in an elegant way...similar to how I would do it in SQL

If I have athletics high jump event data:

Competitor Attempt Height
a 1 170
a 2 185
a 3 165
b 1 128
b 2 180
b 3 190
c  etc 0 0

In MS Access SQL, to generate the ranked list of winners 

SELECT Results.Competitor, Max(Results.Height) AS MaxOfHeight
FROM Results
GROUP BY Results.Competitor
ORDER BY Max(Results.Height) DESC;  

To represent this in DMN, intuitively I am thinking I might create a data type called 'Results', with three fields, and then assign that to an Input Data Input object.  I would then link that Data Input object to a Decision Object and write some similar code to the SQL

Is this the way I should be thinking about grouping/aggregating list data?

I don't know if the XML will mean anything to anyone but this is my effort so far, including me trying to add some 'pseudocode' expression to match the SQL 

xmlns:semantic="" id="_7e6515d4-dcb0-4652-8fc9-cfc948f1640b" name="Drawing 1"
xmlns:triso="" triso:logoChoice="Default" exporterVersion="" exporter="DMN Modeler"
xmlns="" namespace="">
<semantic:extensionElements />
<semantic:itemDefinition name="Results" label="Results">
<semantic:itemComponent id="_ccbada40-3038-46f0-b983-3603abdeccd8" name="Competitor">
<semantic:itemComponent id="_67903a3f-e80e-40bb-87ad-a04f38d199c0" name="Attempt">
<semantic:itemComponent id="_57316736-a020-46dc-a383-23f86c4a64c7" name="Height">
<semantic:inputData id="_a14bfe06-7b6c-4827-bcb8-7365ceb6f0b2" name="">
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<semantic:informationRequirement id="_5c2d09d5-8069-4b32-b757-fd01906aad31">
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<semantic:text>max("Results.Height") "group by Results.Competitor"</semantic:text>
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<dc:Bounds y="46.67500019073486" x="452.5" width="146" height="12.649999618530273" />
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<di:waypoint y="83" x="516" />
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