Modeling Software Development Processes with BPMN

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Tim Black

Aug 6, 2019, 2:06:40 PM8/6/19
to BPMN Forum
Does anyone have recommendations or examples for modeling Software Development Processes with BPMN? I'm not finding a lot of evidence of BPMN adoption in this realm; nevertheless I am convinced it is the right "language" for the job, and am planning to adopt the notation in my work..

I am beginning work on modeling the "to-be" Software Development Processes in a global team of over a hundred Developers, SQA, and Managers. I began my learning with the excellent BPMN wikipedia page, and reading sites like this and that. I am currently reading Learning BPMN 2.0, but am finding it quite sparse in information, and tailored to people who are not already analytical thinkers. I've read half the book already and haven't yet learned from it as much as I gleaned from the aforementioned materials, or Dumas' lectures on youtube

The most recent lecture I saw discusses the layering of model views, which aligns with the approach I had in mind before I knew about BPMN: depicting separate-but-linked views of the software development process, in ascending detail. For example the first layer would be:

Layer 1: Top-level view, coarsely indicates phases of the overall process by linear chains of sub-processes. Shows minimal detail about individual departments, teams, and people, or the decisions they make along the way. 

and subsequent layers would illustrate and define more and more detail about these subprocesses (and their subprocesses), and the people, teams, and departments responsible for them.

Even if no-one here has experience modeling this sort of thing with BPMN, I would love for this to start a conversation with others about how they *might* go about doing this. I will post back as I learn and grow in my understanding and application of BPMN to Software Development.

Thank you!
Tim Black
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