I will need to make some arrangements for your attendance, so message me with your response or write me at PCBBC...@gmail.com. If you would like to suggest someone who would be interested in attending as a volunteer, please let me know.
Pastors, IF you are unable to attend the Saturday session, please send a key-volunteer who can relate the important details. We would benefit overall, if we have SOME non-classmate volunteers who do NOT have a vested interest in touring the campus during the EVENT.
If anyone has a laptop and a Skype account you are willing to use during this session, please message me. Plan to bring your laptop and an extension cord with you. The campus has Wi-Fi.
AGENDA: During the September 21, 2013 On-Campus Planning session, we have plans for:
- 9:00am to 9:45am A gulf cart Tour of the PCBBC campus for Committee Leaders, and Volunteers invited to attend
- 10:00am to 11:30am Planning session (starting on-time). Skyped for long-distance Pastors unable to attend… depending on the resources available
- 11:45 to 12:45pm Tour of Christ Church of the Valley (CCV). This will be our Venue for lunch and evening services during the 2014 PCBBC Class Reunion EVENT.
CCV has a large event happening on their property on 9-21-13. It would be beneficial to see the sound room/kitchen and other facilities in operation. I will look for a way to continue to Skype from the CCV location CCV has a connection with the Snyder family, founders of In-N-Out. The property the church sits on, also houses the historic “Snyder Residence.”
Let’s plan to eat lunch together at Sizzler in San Dimas. We can talk a little further about volunteer opportunities. I will make reservations for seating.
Your attendance at this planning session will be instructive and inspirational as Committee leaders and volunteers consider how they can adjust and utilize the resources they have on-hand in conformance with the unique qualities these Venues have to offer… sound room, kitchen, auditorium, parking lot size…
Please, give some thought and prayer in considering how you can assist in building-out the details of this the PCBBC School Reunion EVENT!! We have a broad range of volunteer opportunities…
Looking forward to seeing you on-campus September 21st 9:00am
Julie Kearns