Prayer for coming Ramadhan -Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani

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Sherwani Mustafa

Mar 20, 2023, 4:35:51 AM3/20/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,
Prayer for coming Ramadhan -Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani
( From my poetry book ' Voice of Heart' )
MAY the sacred moon of coming holy month
appear with an unprecedented glory and grace
to become harbinger of a new watershed
which transforms human values and face.
MAY force of penitence, hunger and thirst
conquer the vices of rancor and greed
to pave the way for love and solicitude
which make humanity an angelic creed.
MAY the showers of Divine Blessings
give solace to world, and make it mild
to cover the globe with heavenly air
which consoles each man, woman and child
Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates,
537 F / 30 Sherwani Nagar
Sitapur Road, Lucknow, U.P. India

Sherwani Mustafa

Mar 20, 2023, 1:12:55 PM3/20/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,
I welcome you, Oh the sacred month of Ramadhan !
( From my poetry book ' Voice of Heart ' )
With new sprouts of faith emerging in my barren heart,
With the Unseen showing the blaze of my Final Goal,
With a blissful blend of belief , joy and fear,
With a Divine aura overpowering my mind and soul,
I welcome you, Oh the sacred month of Ramadhan!
Your name brings forth a flurry of soothing throbs,
From which countless hopes of salvation arise;
Your name comes to the rescue of my worries and shame;
It seems to blow the breezes of the gardens of Paradise .
I welcome you, Oh the sacred month of Ramadhan !
May your advent shower on this trembling world,
The heavenly serenity, lasting peace and moral grace;
May the first glimpse of your moon on the globe’s horizon,
Dissipate the dark and threatening clouds from its face.
I welcome you, Oh the sacred month of Ramadhan
Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani, LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates,
537 F / 30 Sherwani Nagar
Sitapur Road, Lucknow, India

Sherwani Mustafa

Apr 2, 2023, 4:45:27 AM4/2/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,,
Basically it was my LL.D. Thesis which later I published as book . It is also available at google books

Inline image

Sherwani Mustafa

Apr 2, 2023, 4:51:47 AM4/2/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,
Inline image
From Qur'an and Modern Jurisprudence by Dr M.K.Sherwani p.3.
"The religious influence it (Qur'an) exercises as the basis of Islam and the final authority in matters spiritual and ethical is only one side of the story..Theology,Jurisprudence and science being considered by Moslems as different aspects of one and the same thing,the Koran becomes the scientific manual,the textbook, for acquiring a liberal education "

( Philip K Hitti, History of Arabs -Macmillan Education Ltd.London,p 127)

Sherwani Mustafa

Apr 13, 2023, 4:32:51 AM4/13/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,,
A Dialogue Between Power and Justice

( From my poetry book ' Voice of Heart' )
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I am what I am : It is all you must know,
People realize me when they face my heat.

Without me, you show a devilish instinct,
If you leave me, your future is totally bleak.

I feel pity on you , your lofty claim and name,
You always try to wipe the tears of the weak.
It is ‘I’ who command the destiny of the world,
You only echo the voices of the timid and meek.

I tremble at your arrogant and faithless words,
What by this boundless pride you want to seek.
It is you who bring havoc and ruin on the globe,
It is you who trample the peace under your feet.

Come out from dark alley, under the glare of Sun,
It is ‘I’ who decide your bottom, height and peak.
It is ‘I’ who give dictates to the faith and belief,
I repeat your name just to hit a winning streak.
I do what I like; For me, my will is the eternal word,
Cowards then cry that moral codes I always break.
I am slave to none; No one can challenge my gun,
You then lead the poor victims with groan and shriek.

Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates
537 F / 30, Sherwani Nagar
Sitapur Road, Lucknow, U.P. India.

Sherwani Mustafa

Apr 15, 2023, 1:17:29 AM4/15/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,,
Dedicated to 'Criminals - Politicians' links
A Mafia Don’s Speech at Indian Election
( From my poetry book 'Voice of Heart')
You despise me, as I am a mafia don,
My dark history, you want to trace;
Speaking volumes of your mind ,
are the signs of hate on your face.
I know why this change came to you,
‘No criminal in politics’ is a loud voice;
Let me unveil the colours of these ‘Clean’,
Vote for me or not , is your own choice.
Open the knots of mystery and doubt,
Praise my sacrifice for their height;
To hide the vices of these ‘Mr. Clean’,
I blacken myself to make them bright.
These ‘gentlemen’ – these ‘shining stars’,
draw their nourishment from my dirt;
Be it money or sex, I manage their needs,
When called ‘a criminal’, I am deeply hurt.
As a share in their huge powers and gains,
only my crimes get freedom from law;
In return, most of my booty goes to them,
but they help me without any fail or flaw.
Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates
537 F / 30, Sherwani Nagar
Sitapur Road, Lucknow, U.P. India

Sherwani Mustafa

Apr 17, 2023, 2:00:09 AM4/17/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,,
Oh Masjid Al-Aqsa ! ( On Youm-e-Quds -April 14)
( From my poetry book ' Voice of Heart')
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Oh Masjid Al-Aqsa ! We all are  weeping ,
But do not expect from us anything more ;
You  can  see , our hearts are full of  pain ,
Tears  have  made  our eyes  red and  sore .

Never  think ! We  are  not your   pious heirs ,
But  our  souls are  dead and hands  are weak ;
Having no power to defend our life and honor ,
What  can we do  beyond our wail  and shriek? .

I think , you  are deluded  with some of us ,
Yes, people call them as Rulers and  Kings ;
You  might be hoping from their  grandeur ,
But you take them  like birds with no wings 
They  are  faithful servants of  their  Masters ,
The height of their mind is only their Throne ;
Their everything of which one can even think ,
Is  a fiction : They have  nothing of  their own .

Now  listen ! let me  confide   a secret  in you ,
Have an intent gaze into the ranks of  your foes ;
You can easily perceive your emerging saviour ,
Who will ease your grief and relieve your woes .

Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates
Sherwani Nagar, Sitapur Road
Lucknow,U.P. India


Sherwani Mustafa

Apr 19, 2023, 12:46:54 AM4/19/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,,
Eid Greetings 
The joy that never sees the eclipse,
The hope which never meets the despair,
I pray this crescent of Eid  may bring to you.

 The mind that fastens human bonds,
The heart which bleeds for the love of man,
I pray this crescent of Eid  may bring to you.

 The soul that buries all its ills,
The world which aspires for the lasting peace,
I pray this crescent of  Eid may bring to you.

The passion that even the angels envy,
The humility  which placates the Divine Wrath,
I pray this crescent of  Eid  may bring to you.

( From my poetry book ' Voice of Heart' )

Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates
537 F / 30 Sherwani Nagar
Sitapur Road, Lucknow, India


Sherwani Mustafa

Apr 19, 2023, 11:58:53 AM4/19/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,,
May this moon of Eid shower on earth
Divine Blessings and Celestial Bliss in abundance!
May it efface from the face of humanity
all sorts of oppression, hate and arrogance! Aameen!

Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani

Sherwani Mustafa

Apr 30, 2023, 5:20:26 AM4/30/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,,
On International Labour Day (May 1 )
Oh the wretched labourers of this world !
On this day which is dedicated to your name,
The only words come to my mind as a tribute,
To your blood, wealth and power laid their claim.
These magnificent buildings, these glorious castles,
It is your sweat that gave them grandeur and fame,
But alas ! Over times your fortune was never changed,
You are same ! You were same! You will remain same!
( From my second proposed poetry book ' My Emotions')
Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani, LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates,
537 F / 30, Sherwani Nagar , Sitapur Road

Sherwani Mustafa

May 3, 2023, 4:28:02 AM5/3/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,,
Tribute to Tipu Sultan -Died on 4,May,1799
Oh the soul of Tipu Sultan!
Still breezes that blow across my nation,
Carry fragrance of your blood with them;
Still your gallantry is pride of my country,
That teaches us a lesson, how a tiger lives.
Still history is singing your heroic deeds,
That were terror for the foes of our land;
Still your name is beacon light for us all ,
It serves as guide for present and future .
( Born on I December,1751-Died on 4,May,1799)
Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates,
537 F / 30,Sherwani Nagar,
Sitapur Road, Lucknow, India.

Sherwani Mustafa

May 3, 2023, 4:35:21 AM5/3/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,,
O' Tipu Sultan,the great ! It was 4,May,1799 when
you embraced martyrdom while fighting in battlefield!
Your enemies always try to tarnish your image,
but your bravery and sacrifice stand as the strongest shield.

Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani
Lucknow, India

Sherwani Mustafa

May 12, 2023, 1:10:41 PM5/12/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,,
My Two poems on Mother's Day -May,14
( From my poetry book ' Voice of Heart' )
Why I am Weeping on Mother's Day ?
( May,8,2010 )

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From the streams of messages on various groups,
I have intuition that there is Mother's Day around;
What it is, and how it came ?, I know nothing of it,
but each of them is breaking my heart into pieces.

I had also a mother, so caring, lovely and affectionate,
She left me a year ago.Everyone is to leave this world;
but I will definitely curse my fate till I am alive,
as I was not beside her during the last days of her life.

I reached her when she was lying silent and breathless,
It was my first meeting with her when I was weeping ;
and she did not stretch her arms to welcome her son,
Alas! Alas! Alas! How unfortunate I was, and I am.

On the death of my mother
( April,28,2009 )
She was a shield against the Divine Chastisement,
when my sinful life invoked the Almighty’s wrath;
Her prayers for Mercy always placated His Fury,
Under her feet, I used to see the glimpse of Paradise .

She was an oasis in this stormy desert of life,
when the blasts of winds left me bewildered;
Her face always gave me the hope and zest of life,
Under her guidance, I found the meaning of ‘love’.

Alas! She left me alone in this forlorn world ,
In the dawn of Friday , April , 24 this year;
reciting the eternal words,with her finger raised,
she returned from this transit to her Guardian Lord.

But the day brought for me the most lethal blow,
With none to protect , now I am fearful of my sins;
My childhood has been snatched in a ruthless way,
As I will never hear the sweet words ‘ My dear son’!.

Dr.Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates

537 F / 30, Sherwani Nagar

Sherwani Mustafa

May 14, 2023, 12:54:07 AM5/14/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,,
Dedicated to BJP defeat in Karnataka
Force,fraud,conceit,hate and lie,
for some time,they may make you fly,
but their bloom is like seasonal flower,
soon they bring you down lower and lower.

Sherwani Mustafa

Jun 25, 2023, 2:24:38 PM6/25/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,,
Greetings on Eidul-Azha
May the reverential sounds of 'ALLA HUMMA-LAB-BAIK,
Once again shake the pillars of falsehood;
May the multitudes of believers around Allah's House,
Change the entire world into one 'HUMAN BROTHERHOOD.
May the glorious green dome of Prophet's tomb,
Inspire in every heart, Allah's awe and fear;
May the clouds of discord and ill-will disappear,
With every throb of heart, and every faithful tear.
(From my poetry book 'Voice of Heart')
Dr.Mustafa Kamal Sherwani',LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates
537 F / 30,Sherwani Nagar,Sitapur Road

Sherwani Mustafa

Jun 25, 2023, 2:46:09 PM6/25/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,
A Message on Eidul-Azha
( From my poetry book ' Voice of Heart' }
LET this teeming surge of the faithful moving
round the House of their Guardian Lord once again
convulse the citadels of oppression, injustice,
cruelty and persecution.
LET this coffin on their living bodies once again
make them fearless of death in the cause of
Justice, Equality, Fraternity and Compassion.
LET this pious spirit of their forming solid
ranks, while standing before their Creator, once again
change them into an iron wall, and give them the
sagacity to eliminate from their midst all those who
have shattered it into countless pieces.
LET this resounding sacred sound of ‘LAB-
BEIK’ – ‘ALLAHUMMA –LAB-BEIK’ once again give them
unwavering faith to retrieve their pristine glory,
and survive in the world as a living force.
LET this white robe on their persons once again
become the harbinger of the Universal Peace and
( Let the Muslims be one for the protection of
Haram/ Kaba )
Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D,
Sherwani Law Associates

Sherwani Mustafa

Jun 26, 2023, 2:41:58 PM6/26/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,
May this pious festival of Eidul-Azha infuse
Abraham's fath in our soul and heart !
May the Divine Will dominate our minds,
and purge our conscience of all sorts of dirt !
 Aameen !

Sherwani Mustafa

Jul 18, 2023, 6:27:05 AM7/18/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,,
I welcome You, Oh ! The Month of Moharram
(With Urdu and French versions)
( From my poetry book ' Voice of Heart ' )
With a stream of tears rolling down my eyes,
I welcome you, Oh! The month of Moharram.
As you change the year of Islamic calendar,
You fill the hearts with pain and sorrow;
You revive the memory of an unequalled grief,
Which offers the hope for a better tomorrow.
With a storm of pride rocking my soul,
I welcome you, Oh! The month of Moharram.
Embedded in your name is the glory of my faith,
Hidden in your days are the wails and woes;
Lying in your lap is the scale of truth,
To draw a line between friends and foes.
With an ocean of piety, giving me frenzied thrills,
I welcome you, Oh! The month of Moharram.
You witnessed the journey of the Prophet’s family,
Who faced death, anguish and agony for Allah’s Sake;
The eternal verities which they preserved,
All the brutal onslaughts have failed to shake.
“ Haqeeqate abadee hei muqame Shabbeeree,
Badalte rahtey hein andaze Kufiyo Shamee.”
(The position of Shabbeer (Hazrat Imam Husain)
represents an everlasting reality,
Though the ways (of atrocities) of Koofa (Karbala) and
Sham( Syria) keep changing.)
"Sir Dr. Allama Iqbal”.
Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani, LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates
537 F / 30, Sherwani Nagar
Sitapur Road, Lucknow, India.
Urdu version by Mr. Jawaid Badauni
ZabaN ne meri Moharram khush aamdeed kaha
I was terribly impressed by the poem of Dr. M.K.Sherwani
and found no better way to express my appreciation than
converting his English poem into an Urdu Nazm with
utmost care to make a word-to-word translation. More often than not, it is extremely difficult to convert English poem into Urdu Nazm in view of hard rules of Urdu poetry in regard to Bahr, Radeef and Qafiya... Jawaid Badauni.
ZabaN ne meri Moharram khush aamdeed kaha
Magar ik ashk miree aaNkh se Tapakta raha
Ik aisa maah jo laya hai saal-e nau ki Khabar
Ik aisa maah jo karta hai chaak qulb.o jigar
Ik aisa maah ke jo gham ki yaad laata hai
Umeed-e subH bhi jo shub ke baa’d lata hai
Yeh woh mahina hai jis per hai mere dil ko naaz
Khush aamadeed ka nara hai qalb ki aawaaz
Hai is maheene se waabasta deen.e Haq ka vaqaar
Kiya isee ke shub.o.roz ka ghamoN ne Hisaar
Isee mahene meN Haq ka huuwa buland maqaam
Isee mahine ne aa'da ke bhi bataaye naam
Nah dil tha bus men mire aur na qaid meN jazbaat
Khush aamadeeedd Moharaam kaha uTha ke haath
Yeh woh mahina hai dekha tha jis ne qahr-e sitam
Rah-e Khuda meN sahe Aale Mustafa* ne alam
Woh Haq ko baKhsh ke ik jawidaaN Hayat gaye
SitamgaroN ke sitam kha ke unse maat gaye
French version by Mrs Sajda Samia -Mauritius
Soit la bienvenue, ô! le mois de Moharam!
Avec un torrent de larmes roulant bas mes yeux,
Soit la bien venue, ô ! Le mois de Moharam.
Comme tu changes l"année du calendrier islamique,
Tu remplisses nos coeurs avec peine et chagrin.
Tu revis la memoire d'une injuste peine.
Qui offrira l'espoir pour un demain meilleur.
Avec un bond de fièrte sécouant mon âme.
Soit la bienvenue, ô ! Le mois de Moharam.
Ton nom gravé est la gloire de ma foi.
Cachés en toi les jours de pleurs et les ennuies;
Récouvrant sur toi est l’escalade de vérité.
Pour tirer une ligne entre les amis et les ennemis.
Avec un ocean de piéte,tu me donnent des émotions frénétiques.
Soit la bien venue, ô ! Le mois de Moharam.
Tu étais témoin du trajet de la famille du Prophète,
Qui a fait face á la mort,á l'angoisse et á l'agonie dans l'intệret d'Allah;
les vérités éternelles qu'ils ont préservées,
Tous les massacres brutaux ont échoué á faire preuves

Sherwani Mustafa

Jul 27, 2023, 4:17:36 AM7/27/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,,
Tribute to Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS)
( From my poetry book ' Voice of Heart' )
Oh ! the son of Prophet, the saviour of men,
The sultry noon of the horrid summer,
When long back this day, your pious blood,
Fell to the soil in a ruthless way,
Haunts me like a frightening dream.
The arrow, so cruel that pierced the throat,
Of a thirsty babe who could not shriek,
The devilish hands that severed the head,
From your body, the holiest then,
Make me tearful night and day.
One could foresee through your pains,
We would learn a moral so high,
In chain would spring the countless heads,
To follow your spirit in the righteous cause,
Alas! Craven we are , could not do.
We lament your sorrow and cry so hoarse,
You might think, a creed has come,
To hold your banner in the benighted world,
To trim the evils as you did,
Alas! We are a smirch on your name.
Our talks are bold, our hearts are weak,
Our tongues are sharp, our minds are meek,
Our hands and legs are shivery all,
Make us man and give us a call,
Our hopes are shimmering in your grave.
Pangs of conscience ask me oft,
Why the flame of virtue is soft?
Why the sun of evil has its reign,?
Why our blood is cold when vice is hot.?
Are we on the brink of death,?
Summon the courage, you all the men !
Tread on the path of martyrs, the great,
Else, the Last Day will see your awful fate,
Your abode will be the dreaded Hell,
With your bones and flesh as its food.
" Nikal kar khaan qaaho'n se adaa kar rasm'e Shabbeeree"
' Dr. Allama Iqbal'
Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates
Sherwani Nagar, Sitapur Road,

Sherwani Mustafa

Aug 3, 2023, 2:19:42 AM8/3/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,,
I Am an Indian Muslim
 ( From my poetry book ' Voice of Heart')
Let  me  quench the  thirst of  those fools,
Indian or Muslim - which first ? They ask ;
With  their  mind in  dark, and heart in dirt ,
They  think  to  put me to the  heaviest  task .

I am a Muslim , when I pray to my Lord ,
But my forehead graces  the Indian land ;
I am a  Muslim , when I perform my Hajj,
But I am allowed to go by an Indian hand .

I am a Muslim , when with terror, I am linked ,
I am a Muslim , when many problems,  I face ;
I am an Indian , when I fight to seek my share ,
I am an Indian , when I try to compete in race .

I am an ‘ Indian Muslim ’: It is  my final say ,  
Both are real : for one, the other is not a mask ;
It  is  foolish to  know  which  I love  the most ,
It  is  their  combined  glory  in  which  I  bask .

Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani, LL.D.
Chairman, All India Muslim Forum
Sherwani Law Associates
537/F Sherwani Nagar
Sitapur Road, Lucknow, India

Mohammad Idrees

Aug 3, 2023, 9:37:06 AM8/3/23

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Firoz Hashmi

Aug 3, 2023, 9:06:43 PM8/3/23

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Sherwani Mustafa

Aug 13, 2023, 1:32:46 PM8/13/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,,
Prayer On our 77th Independence Day 
May the 77th year of that glorious night,
revive in our hearts the pristine zeal;
which inspired our souls to emerge as one,
to erase from our destiny the British seal.

May this auspicious day set at rest ,
our turbulent minds and stormy past;
May we all become a single hand,
to firmly hold on to the nation’s mast.

Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani, LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates,
537 F / 30,Sherwani Nagar

Sherwani Mustafa

Sep 22, 2023, 6:24:14 AM9/22/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,,
On Prophet's( SAW ) birthday
Oh! the makers of blasphemous films and cartoons
Oh! the makers of blasphemous films and cartoons,
I think, the foolishness has now become your trait;
Mohammad is not a person: He is an eternal flame,
Which came to this world with Adam - our father.
It was this flame which kept on changing hands,
Abraham , Moses and Jesus raised it at their times;
Soon our beloved prophet Christ will come to us,
Before him you will be standing as condemned fools.
Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates
537 F / 30 Sherwani Nagar, Sitapur Road
Lucknow, India.

Sherwani Mustafa

Sep 25, 2023, 1:10:16 PM9/25/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,,
Greetings on Prophet's (p.b.u.h.) birthday
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The heart is filled with reverence,
The mind with deep awe and joy;
They all tell the story of this day,
The greatest person came to earth.
Only the divine veil lifted and fell,
what we call his birth and death;
May the blessings of his sacred cause,
bring ecstatic pleasures to this world.
( F r o m my poetry book ' Voice of Heart' )
Dr.Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates,
Sherwani Nagar, Sitapur Road,Lucknow, India.

Sherwani Mustafa

Nov 4, 2023, 5:00:32 AM11/4/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,,
I am a Palestinian child !
( From my poetry book 'Voice of Heart)
People think, I am meek and mild.
I was born in the midst of fire,
Coffin on the body is my attire;
I can face everything, dark and dire,
The time fails to sink me in its mire.
I am a Palestinian child.
People think, I am meek and mild.
Always ready for bullets is my chest,
The bombs can never dampen my zest;
My blood is meant for my country's best,
Only in the grave, I shall take my rest.
I am a Palestinian child.
People think, I am meek and mild.
I aspire for peace , have love for all,
I want to demolish the religion's wall;
When the world is weeping on my fall,
I must also try to rise high and tall .
I am a Palestinian child.
People think, I am meek and mild.
Playing with death, is my ordinary game,
For me , earth and sky are all the same;
I am a violent storm, no power can tame,
My enemy will suffer a lasting shame.
I am a Palestinian child.
People think, I am meek and mild.
Desire for freedom makes me wild,
I am a Palestinian child.
Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Sherwani Nagar, Sitapur Road
Lucknow , U.P. India

Sherwani Mustafa

Nov 4, 2023, 12:42:06 PM11/4/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,,
Oh The People of the World !
( From my poetry book ' Voice of Heart ')
************ ********* ******
Oh The People of the World !
Pause for a minute to search your soul,
You have defaced it with a blackish hole;
Try to discover your holy and angelic role,
I entreat you to regain your pristine goal.
Oh The People of the World !
Look at the Universe and its Divine feature,
Look at the magic of its every creature;
Listen to the words of the Supreme Preacher,
Bow to His Commands : Don’t be a teacher.
Oh The People of the World !
The enthralling ocean , the magnificent sky,
Over your misdeeds , all have started to cry;
The human travails fail to make you shy,
Your ignorance thinks , you have risen high.
Oh The People of the World !
The faith and boundary for which you fight,
The sense of envy which shows your might;
The greed and malice which make you bright,
You will perish: All will become a dark night.
Oh The People of the World !
The prophesies are galore to predict your end,
The message , your evil intent is bound to send;
Your savagery continues with no virtuous blend,
You seek refuge in God for this heinous trend.
Oh The People of the World !
Have mercy for this harried and anguished man,
Give him joy and pleasure, as much as you can;
The flames of wars , you are so happy to fan,
Will destroy you all within this very life span.
Oh The People of the World !
Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates
Sherwani Nagar, Sitapur Road
Lucknow, U.P. India.

Sherwani Mustafa

Dec 29, 2023, 11:27:58 AM12/29/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,
A Prayer for the New Year
( From my poetry book ' Voice of Heart')
MAY THE NEW YEAR bring an end to the
heart-rending scenes of the people wailing over their
loved ones , who fall prey to the bullets of the
power-hungry devilish forces.
MAY THE NEW YEAR stop the production of those lethal
bullets and shells which pierce the bodies of the
innocent and helpless people, and bring rattling down
the magnificent structures.
MAY THE NEW YEAR infuse the boundless love for
humanity in the hearts of those, who under the wrong
belief of righteousness, enjoy tearing apart their
own selves and other fellow beings in every part of
the world.
MAY THE NEW YEAR once again revive the man’s
unshakable faith in the humanity, and see his
deep-rooted malice , hatred, rancor and intolerance
being replaced by an overflowing benevolence ,
empathy, love and tolerance.
MAY THE NEW YEAR be blessed with the dawn of an
era wherein ‘ humanitarianism’ might emerge as the
supreme religion of the mankind.
Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates,
537 F / 30 Sherwani Nagar
Sitapur Road, Lucknow, U.P. INDIA.

Sherwani Mustafa

Dec 29, 2023, 11:49:14 AM12/29/23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,
May the Dawn of 2024
( From my poetry book ' Voice of heart')
May the dawn of two thousand twenty four
bring with it a gentle fragrant breeze;
that soothes away the woes of the world,
and gives peace to its turbulent phase.
May the Divine showers grace the earth,
as it beholds the first glimpse of Sun;
and remove from the face of humanity,
the scars of wounds and stains of blood.
Dr Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates
537 F ? 30 Sherwani Nagar
Sitapur Road, Lucknow, INDIA.

Sherwani Mustafa

Jan 25, 2024, 12:51:58 PMJan 25
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,
26th January Sings a Song
( From my poetry book ' Voice of Heart')
Every year, I appear with a shining story,
Many scandals are added to my glory.
My guardians have a distinguished tale,
No matter, if they are male or female.
A selfless spirit , they possess and hail,
In Swiss banks, they have put me on sale.
Through their deeds, speaks my health,
These scams are only a sign of my wealth.
I want to finish this lowly depressed class,
Let the poor die, as in heat, dies the grass.
They are the darkest patches on my name,
Let them not spoil my burning flame.
My grandeur can be seen at India Gate,
Do not fail to come to Delhi on this date.
Make up your mind, else you will be late,
You will really see , how strong is my fate.
Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Sherwani Nagar, Sitapur Road
Lucknow , U.P. India

Sherwani Mustafa

Jan 25, 2024, 1:02:06 PMJan 25
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,
Congratulations on 75th anniversary of our Republic Day !
May its blessings dispel our present gloom !
Let us trace bright spots in the midst of dark,
and strive for India as a nation to bloom!

Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani

Fayyaz Ahmed

Jan 25, 2024, 8:42:22 PMJan 25
Thus is not 75th ANNIVARSARY of our Republic Day. It is 74th ANNIVERSARY.

عالمی انعامی مقابلہ غزل کی تفصیل درجہ ذیل لنک میں
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Sherwani Mustafa

Feb 4, 2024, 1:19:00 PMFeb 4
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,
On 'Sha'be Meiraj -Subhanallazee- Asra be-Abdihee lailam-minal Masjidil-Harame ilal Masjidil-Aqsa.

( From my poetry book ' Voice of Heart' )
************ ********* ********* *******
Oh Masjidil-Aqsa.!
Still the sacred words of ‘Subhanallazee- Asra’,
are a living testament to your exalted glory ;
Still you revive in the minds of the Faithful ,
the Truthfulness of the Journey and its story .
Still I can smell the fragrance of my Prophet ,
from the winds touching your walls and roof ;
Still your ambiance and the surrounding aura ,
speak of his Ascension as a towering proof .
What an irony! You are now crying with pain ,
under the unholy siege of your barbaric foes ;
Sura Bani-Israel is opening with your praise ,
but the nation of Israel is adding to your woes .
Among your believers are those mighty kings ,
before whom their people tremble with fear ;
who always pretend to love ‘sharia’and Qu’ran ,
but to your anguish, they have turned a deaf ear .

Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates

537 F / 30, Sherwani Nagar
Sitapur Road, Lucknow- INDIA.
+91 -9919777909

Sherwani Mustafa

Mar 6, 2024, 11:33:56 AMMar 6
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,
My three poems on ‘Women’s Day'( March,8 )
( From my poetry book ' Voice of Heart' )
Oh the Women of the World !
In the name of getting glory and power,
In the quest to reach the highest tower,
In the desire to grow as a blooming flower,
In the dream to make man a bit narrower,
Often you throw aside the limits of Nature,
Often you forget, you are a wonderful creature,
Often you try to be an arrogant preacher,
Often you think , of man , you are a teacher.
You and men are born with different semblance,
You and men have their own unique fragrance,
You and men are equal for the worldly balance,
You and men are always each other's essence.
I pray you rise higher and higher,
I pray you shine brighter and brighter,
I pray you perform better and better,
I pray you become wiser and wiser.
Prayer on Women’s Day
************ **********
O ! the Women of the World!
May God give you an unprecedented power,
May on you all the divine blessings shower .
May this day determine new heights for you ,
May the coming time see your brightest hue .
May every corner hear your sonorous voice ,
May all the humans elect you as their choice.
May the veil of sagacity wrap all the males ,
May they learn the lesson to follow the females .
Men forgot the balance, the Nature made a must ,
Men have made you an object of their ugly lust .
Men have tried to spoil your dignity and chastity ,
Men have attempted to undermine your modesty .
I pray, the men should live under your compassion ,
I pray for an era of your mercy and humane passion .
I pray ,you may prove your worth and feminine face ,
I pray, you may leave men far, far behind in the race
( 3 )
Listen to me !Oh the women of the world!
Oh the women of the world !
Oh the beautiful creation of God!
I pray, the Divine curse may fall on those,
Who are attacking your chastity day and night.
But let me have audacity to give you advice,
Only your modesty can keep you safe and secure,
In the race of equality, you have gone too far,
The brutal beasts are chasing you everywhere.
Dr.Mustafa Kamal Sherwani , LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates
537 F / 30, Sherwani Nagar,Sitapur Road,
Lucknow, U.P. ,India

Sherwani Mustafa

Mar 7, 2024, 12:20:43 PMMar 7
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,
Prayer for coming Ramadhan
( From my poetry book ' Voice of Heart' )
MAY the sacred moon of holy month
appear with unprecedented glory and grace
to become harbinger of a new watershed
which transforms human values and face.
MAY force of penitence, hunger and thirst
conquer the vices of rancor and greed
to pave the way for love and solicitude
which make humanity an angelic creed.
MAY the showers of Divine Blessings
give solace to world, and make it mild
to cover the globe with heavenly air
and consoles each man, woman and child.
Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates,
537 F / 30 Sherwani Nagar
Sitapur Road, Lucknow, U.P. India

Sherwani Mustafa

Mar 7, 2024, 12:41:18 PMMar 7
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,
I welcome you, Oh the sacred month of Ramadhan !
( From my poetry book ' Voice of Heart ' )
With new sprouts of faith emerging in my barren heart,
With the Unseen showing the blaze of my Final Goal,
With a blissful blend of belief , joy and fear,
With a Divine aura overpowering my mind and soul,
I welcome you, Oh the sacred month of Ramadhan!
Your name brings forth a flurry of soothing throbs,
from which countless hopes of salvation arise;
Your name comes to the rescue of my worries and shame;
It seems to blow the breezes of the gardens of Paradise .
I welcome you, Oh the sacred month of Ramadhan !
May your advent shower on this trembling world,
the heavenly serenity, lasting peace and moral grace;
May the first glimpse of your moon on the globe’s horizon,
dissipate the dark and threatening clouds from its face.
I welcome you, Oh the sacred month of Ramadhan
Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani, LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates,
537 F / 30 Sherwani Nagar
Sitapur Road, Lucknow, India

Sherwani Mustafa

Mar 17, 2024, 12:54:58 PMMar 17
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,
On World Sparrow Day ( March,20)
( From my poetry book ' Voice of Heart')
Oh dear lovely small sparrows,!
Tell me where you have gone;?
Are you angry with our ways,
With our tank, gun and drone.?
Come back , Oh my friends,!
I am waiting with feed for you;
I have kept water in the bowls,
Of your day, from news, I knew.
Since infancy you were my joy,
You used to come and have a play;
How I enjoyed, is beyond my words,
Your chirping sounds had much to say.
When I direly needed your groups,
Like a child, at this grown up age;
You have left me before my death,
Why you betrayed me at this stage.
My house is wearing a deserted look,
Pardon me! If I have done some harm;
Please return to it in your usual hordes,
With your melody, revive its lost charm.
Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates
Sherwani Nagar,Sitapur Road
Lucknow , U.P. India

Sherwani Mustafa

Mar 22, 2024, 12:30:51 PMMar 22
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,
Holi Greetings to entire world!
( From my poetry book ' Voice of Heart')
MAY this festival of colours give a new colour of'love' and 'affection' to the humanity whose pristine colour of 'humanism' and 'fraternity' is
fast fading.
MAY this soothing smell of 'GULAL' soothe our heart and soul in such a magnificent way that 'enmity', 'ill-will', 'malice' and 'rancour' may become our enemies for all the time to come.
MAY the Holi festivities prove a harbinger of a new emotional watershed which may join the entire world together into one family living under the blessings of 'ONE CREATOR'
Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates,
Sherwani Nagar,Sitapur Road
Lucknow, India

Sherwani Mustafa

Mar 23, 2024, 12:43:32 PMMar 23
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,
A Dialogue Between Power and Justice
( Dedicated to present global situation )
( From my poetry book ' Voice of Heart')
************ ********* ********* *****
I am what I am : It is all you must know,
People realize me when they face my heat.
Without me, you show a devilish instinct,
If you leave me, your future is totally bleak.
I feel pity on you , your lofty claim and name,
You always try to wipe the tears of the weak.
It is ‘I’ who command the destiny of the world,
You only echo the voices of the timid and meek.
I tremble at your arrogant and faithless words,
What by this boundless pride you want to seek.
It is you who bring havoc and ruin on the globe,
It is you who trample the peace under your feet.
Come out from dark alley, under the glare of Sun,
It is ‘I’ who decide your bottom, height and peak.
It is ‘I’ who give dictates to the faith and belief,
I repeat your name just to hit a winning streak.
I do what I like; For me, my will is the eternal word,
Cowards then cry that moral codes I always break.
I am slave to none; No one can challenge my gun,
You then lead the poor victims with groan and shriek.
Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates,

Sherwani Mustafa

Apr 7, 2024, 1:07:01 PMApr 7
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,
Eid Greetings !The joy that never sees the eclipse !
***** *******************************
The joy that never sees the eclipse,
The hope which never meets the despair,
I pray ! This crescent of Eid may bring for you !
The mind that fastens human bonds,
The heart which bleeds for the love of man,
I pray! This crescent of Eid may bring for you!
The soul that buries all its ills,
The world which aspires for lasting peace,
I pray! This crescent of Eid may bring for you !
The passion that even the angels envy,
The humility which placates Divine Wrath,
I pray ! This crescent of Eid may bring for you!
( From my poetry book ' Voice of Heart' )
Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates
Sherwani Nagar, Sitapur Road

Sherwani Mustafa

Apr 11, 2024, 2:05:36 PMApr 11
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,
Oh The  aggressors! Oh The killers of the Innocent !
( Dedicated to Israel's barbarities in Gaza )
When the tide  of  time  turns  against you,
When  ‘mis’ is added  before your  ‘fortune’,
When the trigger of the gun goes to your victims,
When you are  pounded with the rain of bombs ,
Call me, my dear  sisters ,brothers  and sons!
I will come to sacrifice my life for your sake.

 Today my faint voice for you is a mad man’s cry,
You are inebriated with the power of air, land and sea,
Tomorrow when you are forlorn, with empty hands,
Weeping  over the heaps of  dead and  wailing injured,
Call me, my dear  sisters ,brothers  and sons!
I will silence their revenge with the Triumph of  Mecca.

 Today is the time for you to learn from the past,
The religious parables are enough to show you the path;
The aggressors have always met their ugly fate.
When the oppressed of  today  stand  on your chest,
Call me, my dear sisters , brothers  and sons!
I will placate their fury with the verses of  the Holy Book.

When the pangs of conscience  make  you sleepless,
When you are left with nothing  but regret and remorse,
When  the images of today  frighten you with  every  breath,
When the memory of your vicious deeds makes you  numb,
Call me, my dear sisters , brothers  and sons!
I  will console you as I  have a human heart.

( From my poetry book ' Voice of Heart')

Sherwani Mustafa

Jun 12, 2024, 1:43:26 PMJun 12
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,
Greetings on 'H A J J'
May the reverential sounds of 'ALLA HUMMA-LAB-BAIK,
once again shake the pillars of falsehood;
May the multitudes of believers around Allah's House
change the entire world into one 'HUMAN BROTHERHOOD.
May the glorious green dome of Prophet's tomb,
inspire in every heart, Allah's awe and fear;
May the clouds of discord and ill-will disappear,
with every throb of heart, and every faithful tear.
(From my poetry book 'Voice of Heart')
Dr.Mustafa Kamal Sherwani ,LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates
537 F / 30,Sherwani Nagar,Sitapur Road

Sherwani Mustafa

Jun 12, 2024, 2:10:47 PMJun 12
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,
A Message on Eidul-Azha
LET  this teeming surge of the faithful moving round the House of  their Guardian Lord once again
convulse the citadels of oppression, injustice,cruelty and persecution.
LET this coffin on their living bodies once again make them fearless of death  in  the cause of Justice, Equality, Fraternity and Compassion.
LET this  pious spirit of  their forming solid ranks, while standing before their Creator, once again change them into  an iron wall, and give them the sagacity to eliminate from their midst all  those who have  shattered it into countless pieces.
LET   this resounding  sacred sound of ‘LAB- BEIK’ – ‘ALLAHUMMA –LAB-BEIK’ once again give them unwavering faith  to retrieve their pristine glory,and survive in the world as a living force.
 LET this white robe on their persons once again become the harbinger of  the Universal  Peace and Brotherhood.
( Let  the Muslims be one for the protection of Haram/ Kaba )

(From my poetry book 'Voice of Heart')
Dr.Mustafa Kamal Sherwani ,LL.D.
Sherwani Law Associates
537 F / 30,Sherwani Nagar,Sitapur Road


Sherwani Mustafa

Jun 12, 2024, 2:23:26 PMJun 12
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,
May this festival of Eidul-Azha  infuse
May this pious festival of Eidul-Azha infuse ,
Abraham’s   faith  in  every soul  and  heart.;  
May   the Divine Will dominate  our  minds,
And purge our conscience of all sorts of dirt.
May its blessings give the moral and rectitude,
To  humanity to  overcome the present  turmoil;
May  the  blood from the slaughtered  animals,
Sow the seeds of peace and harmony in  the soil.
(From my poetry book 'Voice of Heart')

Sherwani Mustafa

Jul 14, 2024, 5:26:58 AM (4 days ago) Jul 14
to Bazm E. Qalam, bazme yaran, 5BAZMeQALAM group,
A Tribute to Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS)
( From my poetry book ' Voice of Heart' )
Oh ! the son of Prophet, the saviour of men,
The sultry noon of the horrid summer,
When long back this day, your pious blood,
Fell to the soil in a ruthless way,
Haunts me like a frightening dream.
The arrow, so cruel that pierced the throat,
Of a thirsty babe who could not shriek,
The devilish hands that severed the head,
From your body, the holiest then,
Make me tearful night and day.
One could foresee through your pains,
We would learn a moral so high,
In chain would spring the countless heads,
To follow your spirit in the righteous cause,
Alas! Craven we are , could not do.
We lament your sorrow and cry so hoarse,
You might think, a creed has come,
To hold your banner in the benighted world,
To trim the evils as you did,
Alas! We are a smirch on your name.
Our talks are bold, our hearts are weak,
Our tongues are sharp, our minds are meek,
Our hands and legs are shivery all,
Make us man and give us a call,
Our hopes are shimmering in your grave.
Pangs of conscience ask me oft,
Why the flame of virtue is soft?
Why the sun of evil has its reign,?
Why our blood is cold when vice is hot.?
Are we on the brink of death,?
Summon the courage, you all the men !
Tread on the path of martyrs, the great,
Else, the Last Day will see your awful fate,
Your abode will be the dreaded Hell,
With your bones and flesh as its food.
'" Nikal kar khaan qaaho'n se adaa kar rasm'e Shabbeeree"
' Dr. Allama Iqbal'
Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Sherwani Nagar, Sitapur Road,
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