L, you asked a question about Jewish law. All I know is what I have been told. I do know that the idea that life begins at conception is a Christian idea. The Jews believe that at birth God gives us a breath of air into lungs that have never held oxygen before and like Genesis and the making of man, we then become a living soul. We then are a living soul from birth to death.
To further look at the science behind this, I believe that we have to realize that at conception the sperm moves of its own volition, according to St. Thomas Aquinas, in The Summa Theological and therefore it gives life to its offspring. However, it is in a liquid, and does not breathe oxygen. ??
Looking at a child in the womb, we realize that the "thing" is a parasite on the mother. It draws off the mother everything it needs to live for 9 months. However, it does not have oxygen in its lungs and can die at birth because the lungs cannot take on oxygen, as its lungs are not fully developed.
I believe at birth when the doctor holds a baby up by its heels, and gives it, its first spanking - and it draws in the breath of air to cry, it has right then become a living soul and is alive.
It's like the illustration I have used for years to prove that English is not descriptive. That tree that is too close to my porch. It is alive?? But I cannot tell it to move 10 feet away from the porch. It cannot pick up its roots and replant itself where I would rather it be. Is it alive -- not the same alive as a human being. Because as a human being I can move and go anywhere I wish.
The tree limbs move only when the wind is blowing, and etc.
A child is a gift of God to the woman.