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RE: Diploma Not Here Yet, $ 150 PAID IN MARCH

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Ijaz Qureshi

Jun 25, 2007, 10:30:30 PM6/25/07
to Chisholm, Konami,, Bundy, Lewis, Business Club, Sansing, Lucille, Aghili, Shahriar, Palumbo, Mara
Would someone from the business club forum give some explanation of what this brand new registrar is talking about?

"Chisholm, Konami" <> wrote:
I believe this person warrants a referral to some higher source.
L. Konami Chisholm
Argosy University 
San Francisco Bay Campus
"Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything"
R.E. Emerson 

From: Ijaz Qureshi []
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2007 4:10 PM
To: Bundy, Lewis;; Business Club
Cc: Sansing, Lucille; Aghili, Shahriar; Chisholm, Konami; Palumbo, Mara
Subject: Diploma Not Here Yet
Mr. Bundy dates are correct but has no application on my situation because I completed my final defense on December 19th, 2006 and  Registrar awarded the degree on Feb 28th.
Student services and the advisers were suppose to follow the procedures and they did not. 
All students completed 45 units and I was forced to complete 51 units? I was put six month behind in my schedule because of extra six units.
Harf Jones accepts order of diploma from one to unlimited. There is no need to wait for the batch to complete, order should have been placed whenever someone completed the program. If my order was placed in March I would have been working anywhere in the world, I have lost wages of at least six months because of the continued administrative mess. The very sad part of this drama that is really annoying, that the orders were not placed until May 22nd I was told again and again in MARCH AND APRIL that diploma is coming!
Yes, there has been clear violations of university policies and procedures in the past that indeed violated the HLC policies and procedures. 
Registrar awarded the degree on Feb 28th 2007 and at that date my program ended. At this time university closed my access to online account, my account at the student link was disabled permanently, I sent many emails to all of you but no one responded. Since I paid all the dues, 60,000 + dollars in time, I should have been given every thing at the spot. But it is the place where nothing is done ontime and nothing is done in the best interest of students.
The purpose of this open communication is to ensure that students learn from the difficulties , trouble and imprisonment that I have been through after spending lots of money.
Hope this explanation help.

"Bundy, Lewis" <> wrote:
One conclusion might be that there was an unavoidable problem. However the question of who is getting pleasure from these practices is a curious one? I doubt that anyone is enjoying these experiences, not to mention hearing about them.
For the sake of clarity, let’s recount the situation:
            Your petition to graduate which has a $150 charge (not for a diploma only, but includes processing and the ceremony) was submitted on March 22. The deadline for Spring I (for which you applied was February 28). Your coursework (you were enrolled in Spring I 07) ended April 21.
I made a personal attempt to include you and others who defended late in the order for March, with those who were cleared for the previous semester, but was unsuccessful, they had to be included in the later order.
Yours was then placed in a next order to Herf Jones. We placed a rush request on the order were assured by the company that it would be expedited.
You are correct that it took four to five weeks for the package to arrive and that it arrived damaged. I informed you of my dissatisfaction with the order, and that Herf Jones was to reprint and resend the damaged diplomas, and that it was take a week to receive the new ones.  I explained this to you, and you said that you preferred to pick this one up. I waited for you to retrieve it yesterday or today, as we had scheduled. You are yet to arrive, like on other occasions when we were scheduled to meet.
I am not sure what your point is by this communication, but it does not reflect the amount of attention that I have put into trying to address your situation or the attempts I’ve made to rectify some of the previously encountered problems.
Please explain.

From: Ijaz Qureshi []
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 4:05 PM
To: Business Club
Cc: Sansing, Lucille; Aghili, Shahriar; Bundy, Lewis; Chisholm, Konami
Subject: Re: Recommendation Letter
Hello All,
I received a call from Herff Jones, on June 19th at 10.00 AM California time, that the diplomas were delivered on the morning of June 19th, 2007 to the campus. However, when I called the studnet services they mentioned that the dilpomas were delivered but the diplomas were damaged in the shipment. That simply means, wait one more week!
Well, very interesting part of Argosy Drama is that, University did not place the order (as per Herff Jones, School Representative Cindy) for diplomas until May 22nd, 2007. However, I  paid my 150 dollars for the diploma on March 19th, 2007. Registrar, sent me an email on March 22nd that the order for the diploma is placed. On May 22nd registrar sent me another email saying the diplomas will be here in two weeks.
If university has placed the order when I paid the 150 dollars for the diploma it would have been reached to me by the end of May 2007. The lady at Herff Jones mentioned we never take more than four weeks to process provided someone placed the order.
Well, I am not sure what we should conclude out of this mess, but for sure it is not going to do any good to the student community or to the society as whole. But, for sure someone is getting lots of pleasure of these corrupt business practices.
Ijaz Qureshi

Gail Whitty <> wrote:
great - we'll do it right away, see you soon, Did you get your diploma yet?  Gail
With Best Wishes,

Dr. Ijaz A. Qureshi,
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With Best Wishes,

Dr. Ijaz A. Qureshi,
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With Best Wishes,

Dr. Ijaz A. Qureshi,
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