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JFK Graduate Programs - Quality Breeds Success

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Dr. Ijaz A. Qureshi

Apr 8, 2013, 2:41:30 PM4/8/13
to Dr. Ijaz A. Qureshi
Dear Friends,
You would be glad to know that JFK is offering graduate programs in affiliation with NCBA&E in Islamabad. JFK has recently shifted from I-8 Markaz to state of the art facility in 37th Street in I-8/2. I have attached the brochure for our newly started programs. Kindly share with those who may benefit. Thank you.

Most Respectfully,

Dr. Ijaz A. Qureshi,
McKinsey Quarterly Executive Panel Member,
Vice President Academic Affairs, JFK Institute of Technology and Management,
417  37th Street, I - 8 / 2  Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan 
I Internet: I Email: I Skype: IjazQureshi I  Twitter: Ijaz A. Qureshi I LinkedIn: Dr. Ijaz A Qureshi I Cell: +92 344 525 3727 I Office: +92 51 430 7164 I

Editorial Board Member

Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal (KM&EL)

ISSN 2073-7904, EISSN 2073-7904. 

Maintained and Developed by:

Laboratory for Knowledge Management & E-Learning

Faculty of EducationThe University of Hong Kong

If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it? - Einstein
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