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The Sad Ending of Year 2007: Benazir Bhutto in Rawalpindi, Pakistan

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Ijaz Qureshi

Dec 30, 2007, 4:48:04 AM12/30/07
to Argosy San Francisco Business Club
Hello All,
We would like to wish you a
Very Happy and Peaceful New Year



Kebede D. Gashaw

Dec 31, 2007, 1:34:31 PM12/31/07
Hello Dr. Ijaz:  Thank your for your best wishes. We wish you a Happy, Healthy and Productive New Year.
Although most of us are not participating actively becasue of various reasons, your untiring efforts for the group are always appreciated.  Keep up the good work.
I am personally sadened by the events of the last few days in Pakistan as well as in Kenya.  It is sad to see the forces of evil are making their impacts the world over. I hope, all these sacrifices will bring meaningful change for the better everywhere people are suffering from injustice by despots and autocratic rulers.  
With respect,

Ijaz Qureshi

Jan 1, 2008, 12:35:12 AM1/1/08
Hello Mr. Gashaw,
Sir it is always a treat to hear from you. Long time we never had a chance to communicate. Hope your program is going well, let me know if you need any help in the dissertation. We have been a great team and I always enjoyed projects in your team.
Some of our friends are really silent, hope everybody is fine.

Assistant Professor
Institute of Information Technology
National University of Sciences and Technology
Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Off: +92 51 928 0658 Ext 141
Cell: +92 344 525 3727

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