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Survey on Female Enrollments in the IT Programs

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Dr. Ijaz A. Qureshi

Dec 15, 2010, 1:10:48 AM12/15/10
to Dr. Ijaz A. Qureshi
Dear Honorable Professors and Respected Researchers,
Hope your kind offices are doing well and enjoying the lovely day. We are working on the Female Enrollment in The IT Programs in the university system and for this purpose I would request you to kindly complete the attached survey and send it back by tomorrow (December 16th 2010), if possible.

Looking forward to receiving your complete survey, and as always I am grateful for your kind support for academic research.

We will share the final results of this research with all of you. Take care.
Thank you,

Most Respectfully,

Dr. Ijaz A. Qureshi,
Professor and Head of Business School,
Iqra University Islamabad Campus, # 5, Sector H - 9, Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan.
I Internet:  I Email: I Skype: IjazQureshi I Cell: +92 344 525 3727 I Office: +92 51 111 264 264 Ext 110 I Fax: +92 51 443 8315 I
If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it? - Einstein
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Increasing IT enrollment questionnaire - ACM-STATES.doc
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