Writing .ops input file in ArcSWST

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Olaoluwa Anigboro-Napoleon

Dec 9, 2024, 11:09:56 AM12/9/24
to ArcSWAT
Hello everyone,
I am working on a research that involves simulating Residue management in ArcSWAT. I am in the beginning stages and I am trying to get a hang of it. I honestly would appreciate any advice I can get in relation to this.

What I have done:
So, I created a .ops input file in ArcSWAT and I set the MGT_OP to 9. I couldn't change the values of SO_RES and SO_RES_FLAG, for some reasons. So I left the two variables as 0, and saved my work. Then when I go to check the output file, I just see the values I put for month, day, year and MGT_OP. So I don't understand what I should be looking for in the output file and the last two values I am seeing in the output file which are 0 and 0.00000, I don't understand where they come from (I attached an image of my output file for better context).

I would appreciate any sorta advice or help I can get to better understand this. Thank you!
Screenshot 2024-12-08 224930.png
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