redarding installation of arcSWAT IN ArcGIS 10.8 VERSION

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Pankaj Patel

Dec 19, 2024, 12:52:44 PM12/19/24
to ArcSWAT
Dear scholars,

I am trying to install arcSWAT with arcGIS 10.8
However, i continue to encounter this problem. What is the main problem and how can i solve this problem. 
It appears like this "ArcGIS desktop 10.8x is required before you complete this setup". As i close this prompt dialogue box, another dialogue box appear.
"the installer was interrupted before ArcSWAt could be installed. You need to restart the installer to try again".
I tried for numerous times, but still i enounter this problem.
Therefore, could you please help me to install arcSWAT that is compatible to arcGIS 10.8
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