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Fwd: How would you spend $2million? Tell Us!

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Anna Leslie

Jul 18, 2024, 5:16:59 PM7/18/24

Join one of our Ideas Collection Workshops to learn more
ABHC has partnered with the City of Boston to make sure community members like YOU have more of a voice in how our city spends our money. It's called Participatory Budgeting, and we want to hear your ideas on how to spend $2 million in Boston.

Join one of our idea collection workshops to learn about how the process will work and make your voice count!

July 22, 6pm at Presentation School Foundation, 640 Washington St., Brighton
July 24, 5:30pm at Honan-Allston Library, 300 North Harvard St., Allston
July 30, 5:30pm on Zoom
Food, childwatch, and interpretation included!

Email Alex with any questions.
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Your ideas, our City, Boston's future!
Boston’s first city-wide Participatory Budgeting( PB) initiative kicks off this July 2024 and runs through January 2025. "IDEAS in ACTION" is the City's new PB initiative, where Bostonians can decide how to spend a part of the City’s budget. Residents will have the opportunity to propose and vote on project ideas that will help benefit the City. Project ideas will be considered for funding ($2 million for projects) and will also help inform future City budget investments.

ABHC is partnered with the City's Office of Participatory Budgeting to collect ideas in Allston-Brighton this month.

You can also submit your ideas through the online PB Portal. Learn about other ways to share your project ideas at To Contact the Office of Participatory Budgeting, email at or call 617-635-2381.    


Anna Leslie, MPH 
(Please note that I work a part-time schedule and my response time may be delayed.)

Allston Brighton Community Calendar

ABHC is a network of people and organizations working together to improve Allston-Brighton community health.

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