Action: World AIDS Day Acts :)

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Dec 2, 2010, 2:16:20 PM12/2/10
to AAR Political Discussion Group
Please, do.

This post on Disabled Greens News and discussion:

The Global Fund :)

supported programs deliver AIDS treatment for 3 million people :)

Media Center :)

Holiday Greetings from the Global Health Council :)

Dear Colleague,

As friends and family gather together during the holiday season to
commemorate the passage of another year, I would like to share with
you how the Global Health Council has been making a difference in
global health in 2010:
•We shaped vital global health initiatives that direct resources and
opportunities to people living in low-resource settings.

•We developed, discussed, distilled and promoted smart policy and
advocacy solutions to global health challenges. Through convening
members and other stakeholders at our Annual International Conference
on Global Health, policy and advocacy roundtables, and event series,
the Global Health Council leveraged hands-on experience from the field
into developing and promoting policy recommendations.

•We translated global health research literature and messages on
critical issues and unmet needs in global health into user-friendly
material, and disseminated this information to decision-makers,
thought leaders, and the global health community at large, through
traditional media, social media, global health networks and

•We highlighted the private sector's role as a critical component in a
new compact in global health.
I am proud of what the Global Health Council has achieved this year to
help improve health outcomes and equity for the 2 billion people
around the world who live on less than $2 a day. But as we look to
2011, we need your support and investment in the Global Health Council
to help sustain the core areas of our work.

Your year-end, tax-deductible contribution will enable the Global
Health Council to continue leading the global health community - our
community - in developing a unified voice for a sustainable,
integrated health agenda that uses resources efficiently to make a
difference in the lives of the poor and vulnerable, and in promoting
this agenda with policy makers around the world to ensure that global
health remains a top priority within the broader international
development agenda.

Please give generously today by clicking on this link.

Thank you for your support.


Jeffrey L. Sturchio, PhD
President and CEO

1111 19th Street, NW - Suite 1120 | Washington, D.C. 20036

The Impact of HIV/AIDS :)

2010 World Health Report Examines Health Systems Financing,
December 1, 2010 :)

World AIDS Day Message from Jurnee Smollett :)

A message from ANSA Board Member Jurnee Smollett published

Sound Off: Actress Jurnee Smollett on World AIDS Day

Take Action :)

I've never known a world in which HIV/AIDS didn't exist. Growing up,
images of the virus were sewn into my memory; the colorful panels on
the AIDS Quilt; the shiny red ribbons my mom wore; the tragic death of
Ryan White; and Magic Johnson's press conference. What affected me
most of all was the heartbreaking story of a little girl not much
older than I who was born with HIV. Until Hydeia Broadbent boldly
shared her story on daytime talk shows like Oprah, it hadn't dawned on
me that little girls who looked like me were at risk.

Initially, news of HIV/AIDS was in everyone's face and got our
attention. Over the years -- despite ads, fundraisers, and more -- our
community has grown desensitized while the virus continues to silently
kill us. Already, 25 million members of our human family have died
from AIDS. That's equivalent to the combined populations of New York,
Los Angeles, Chicago, Phoenix, Philadelphia, Dallas, Boston, Seattle,
Memphis, Cleveland, Las Vegas, Atlanta, Miami, Denver, Wichita, St.
Louis, and Washington, D.C. Today, over 30 million people worldwide
are living with HIV/AIDS. Over one million people in the U.S. have the
disease, and more than 500,000 of them are African American, though we
make up only twelve percent of this country's population. HIV/AIDS is
the leading cause of death among Black women ages 25 to 34.

It's one thing to read statistics and another to know people with the
disease. Hydeia and I met 12 years ago and have since become best
friends. HIV/AIDS is never far from my mind because she and another
close friend of mine are living with the infection. They're both
talented, intelligent, young African Americans who have never been
sexually promiscuous nor used intravenous drugs. You would never know
by looking at them that a potentially deadly virus lurks in their
bloodstream. But it does. Thankfully, they're each getting medical
care that keeps them healthy. They live their lives, have fun, pursue
their dreams, have relationships and are careful to not pass on the
virus to anyone else. They're proof that HIV/AIDS doesn't have to be a
death sentence, if you know your status.

It's not shocking that HIV/AIDS has impacted my life and people I
love. This disease is the worst health crisis in modern history.
Negative or positive, we're all living with AIDS; it's part of our
world. Chances are you know someone who has the disease though they
might not have told you. There is a good possibility they don't even
know themselves, because one out of every five people who is infected
doesn't know it. Too often people only find out once they are
dangerously ill, but it doesn't have to be that way. AIDS is a disease
that can be prevented and treated. Free HIV testing is widely
available. We all can take simple actions that can save lives: our own
lives; the lives of people we love; and those of human beings far

Most of my life I've volunteered with Artists for a New South Africa,
a nonprofit organization working in the U.S. and South Africa to
combat HIV/AIDS, assist children orphaned by the disease, educate and
empower youth, and build bonds between our nations through arts,
culture and our shared pursuit of social justice. I've gone into
classrooms, conducted seminars on HIV/AIDS, taken part in press
conferences, recorded public service announcements, raised money, and
spoken to thousands of young people in the United States, Botswana,
Swaziland, and South Africa in an effort to empower them to join the
fight against HIV/AIDS. Regardless of the country, what frustrates me
most is the lack of informative dialogue within our community,
churches, homes and schools. That very silence is killing us but that
silence can be broken if we speak out and take action.

We each have the power to help stop AIDS and stay healthy by knowing
our HIV status. This is my World AIDS Day commitment: I'm asking
everyone I know and everyone who reads this column to join me in
getting a confidential HIV test before the end of the year. It's quick
and free and it could save our lives. Go alone or make it an event.
Grab your girlfriends, sisters, brothers, parents, children, or co-
workers. Ask everyone you know to get tested, even if they've been
tested before. To find a clinic near you, visit

I've never known a world that was free of HIV/AIDS. When the
generation to come turns to me and asks, "What were you doing while
HIV/AIDS was ravaging our world?" I want to be able to respond, "I
helped to fight the pandemic. I did my part." Please join me. Together
we can make a difference. Together we can stop AIDS.

Jurnee Smollett currently stars in the CBS series, "The Defenders" and
as a regular on "Friday Night Lights," now in its final season on
DirecTV. She is an active board member of Artists for a New South

Artists for a New South Africa

2999 Overland Avenue, Suite 102
Los Angeles, California 90064 U.S.A
phone 310.204.1748 fax 310.204.4277 |

Facebook page:

YouTube channel:

2999 Overland Avenue, Suite 102 | Los Angeles, CA 90064 US

Thanx a lot.
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