No: tax cuts for the richest, catfood for the oldest

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Nov 17, 2010, 11:29:42 AM11/17/10
to AAR Political Discussion Group
This post on Disabled Greens News and discussion:

Keep nope alive! For e.g., having tax cuts to the richest for a decade
during two wars is economic treason; by the richest 2 % of our nation.
The rich's sons and daughters aren't dying in those unnecessary wars,
the middle-class to poor's are! The economy is in shambles. People
everywhere are struggling to make ends meet. So naturally,
Republicans are worried about the richest Americans. They're looking
to make Bush's tax cuts for the rich, which expire at the end of the
year, permanent. The worst part is that some right-wing Democrats
have already come out and agreed with the Republicans' reckless
approach, and the White House has signaled that they're open to
compromising on this issue. This has to be the worst idea since,
well, ever. As well, I don't mean to interject reality into your fun,
BUT, you can't restore sanity, one must choose the direction of
sanity, ergo, go sane, put their shadows behind them, move, et al;
giving up the devolutionary direction, re-embracing the evolution- for
e.g., turning 360 degrees around, back to the future and the
evolutionary direction you were born flying in. Don't let the
corporate structure's installation of the tea party as the head of the
republican conspiracy, shifting the supposed political picture to the
right by force (supposedly, the supposed left extreme being Jesus
walking on water civil rights African-American conspirator supposed
Christian conspirators, who can do no wrong, who are supposedly
diametrically opposed to, the extreme right, tea partying republican
supposed Christian conspirators, who want to return the usa to laws
and practices of the pre-civil rights movement era) be the dems
supposed excuse to need to be 'tri-partisan', and water down all
legislation, while they ignore real third parties like the Green
Party, and keep them and real independents out of the debates; demand
truth and accountability. As well, stop the conservative dominated
‘spending cuts commission’ from gutting the elderly and poor, now!
“The proposed cuts to Social Security are so deep, for so many people.
This is a direct attack on America's middle class for the benefit of
Corporate America. These ideas are so awful, sixteen other members of
the Catfood Commission didn't want to touch it.3 Problem is, this is
the "starting point" for discussions. This will be negotiated, and
many of these awful ideas could be in the final proposal. We need to
stop it now. It's bad enough to even think about cutting Social
Security - but to do it to pay for corporate tax cuts? That's insane.
Don’t let cat food be what’s for dinner for our elderly again, speak
out now! This is President Obama's commission, and he has the power
to shut it down. The other commission members can put their feet down
and say no to Social Security cuts. Let's make them do it.”
Firedoglake The republican conspiracies extermination of humanity,
to dictate its extinction, and that of large mammals, that can be seen
on humanities horizon racing towards us from our future, through the
most paying tools of destruction, earth murder and unending
unnecessary war, can only be struggled with by an evolving humanity;
delusional profit and pleasure, the root of the corporate structure's
convolutions devolutionary direction, can only be struggled with by
more humaneness, thought, feeling, memory, compassion, evoking,
emoting, insight, relating, growth, realization of potential, et al,
real profit and pleasure- for, destruction and murder are of no profit
or pleasure. Yes, it's now or never, if not you, then who, there,
then where, be; or humanity will not be- and all of it will be gone,
as if none of it ever was. Save your self later, by saving the
elderly and poor now! reality
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