get out the: vote, rems, filibuster, fix: progressive direction

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Oct 27, 2010, 8:29:45 AM10/27/10
to AAR Political Discussion Group
This post on Disabled Greens News and discussion:

get out the: vote, rems, filibuster, fix:

Forget the doom and gloom:
Dear MoveOn member,

Forget the doom and gloom from the mainstream media about this year's

We're quietly building a mighty volunteer army to stop the Republican
takeover of Congress. In the last month, MoveOn members around the
country have organized nearly 1,000 events. Made over 200,000 phone
calls recruiting get-out-the-vote volunteers for endangered Democratic
candidates. And turned out thousands of volunteers to talk to their
neighbors about the election, with more coming every day.

We're doing what we need to do. And we have got to keep it going.
This week our goal is to make 20,000 phone calls to potential
volunteers through our online calling program. With our handy calling
tool, it's super-easy. Can you spend 15 minutes making phone calls?
Click to sign up:

We're facing a serious uphill battle. Just Friday, The New York Times'
top election analyst gave a dire report that Republicans now have a
72% change of taking over the House this fall.1 And polls continue to
show progressive heroes like Alan Grayson and Russ Feingold in real

But in cities and towns across the country, a grassroots resurgence to
stop the takeover and save our progressive leaders is evident. Last
weekend, MoveOn members held 350 "Yes We Can!" house parties from Cave
Creek, AZ to South Hadley, MA. At 48 events coast to coast this week,
MoveOn members are releasing hard-hitting reports exposing shady right-
wing front groups that are helping Republicans try to take over
Congress. And in California, we've seen one progressive leader,
Barbara Boxer, pull ahead in her race against Carly Fiorina.2

If you haven't yet gotten involved in this election, now's the time.
And if you have, it's critical to keep going—and to get your friends,
neighbors, co-workers, and anyone you can get your hands on involved.

Can you help out by calling MoveOn members in key areas to recruit
them to volunteer with the most important campaigns? Click here now to
sign up to get started calling:

Thanks for all you do.

–Steven, Adam, Lenore, Duncan, and the rest of the team


1. "Projected Republican Gains Approach 50 House Seats," The New York
Times, October 8, 2010

2. "Boxer pulls ahead in polls as Calif. senate race closes in," San
Diego News Room, October 7, 2010

Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 5 million
members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our
tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in

authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

RE: Russ Feingold:
Russ Feingold’s opponent is Ron Johnson, a millionaire who’s spent
$5.2 million of his own money trying to buy Russ’s Senate seat.

Ron Johnson supports NAFTA. He likes the Patriot Act. He thinks
speaking out against the war is "extremely harmful to our nation."

Lucky for us, Russ got Johnson to agree to three debates. Now Ron
Johnson going to have to stand next to Russ and defend his extreme
positions to Wisconsin voters.

FDL activists stepped up for Russ big time two weeks ago, raising more
than $38,000 for his campaign. We want to show Russ and Wisconsin
voters that ordinary people want to see Senator Feingold return to the
Senate next year, not a self-funded millionaire.

The first debate is TONIGHT. Can you help us reach $50,000 for Russ?
It’s critical we make a strong push for Russ right now. Click here to

Russ stood alone and opposed the Patriot Act. He opposed FISA. He
opposed the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. And he's done the same thing
no matter who controls Congress or the White House. He always put
principles before party.

Russ is locked in a tough battle, but he's fighting hard. He's got 22
field offices across Wisconsin, more than any campaign in country, and
his supporters are working hard to turn out voters.

But a lot is riding on these debates. We want Russ to know going into
them that we've got his back, so we set a goal of $50,000. We’re
almost there - can you please chip in to make sure Russ Feingold can
continue to fight for what’s right?

Russ was there for us when it was hard. Let's be there for him. Click
here to donate and help us get to $50,000 for Russ.

With your help, we’ll show Wisconsin voters that principle counts over
party; that people power will prevail over a self-funded millionaire
who wants to buy his way to the Senate.

Thanks for supporting Russ, and for all you do.

Jane Hamsher
FDL Action PAC

Donate to FDL Action PAC to support progressive causes and candidates.
Click here to contribute:

Paid for by the FDL Action PAC ( ) and not
authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to
the FDL Action PAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for
federal income tax purposes.

What if?:

It matters to a young woman finishing college or starting a career.

It matters to the family making ends meet.

It matters to the mothers and fathers who treasure the children they

When it comes to reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies in this
country, birth control really matters.

Help us raise one million voices that can say that affordable,
accessible birth control matters, and must be part of health care

All throughout the long debate over health care reform, I kept my eye
on the prize: a country in which every woman everywhere has the access
and the means to take charge of her own reproductive health and her

That's always been the goal of Planned Parenthood, of course. But —
with the implementation of the health care reform law that we fought
for — the opportunity to make that goal a reality became possible.

We always knew, though, that the fight for women's health wouldn't end
when the bill passed — there's a lot more to do to deliver on the
promise of the new law.

So, today, Planned Parenthood is picking up right where we left off by
kicking off one of the most important campaigns in our history —
making prescription birth control affordable and accessible for all.
Will you join us by being one of the first of our supporters to sign
the Birth Control Matters petition today?

The campaign is simple, even if the road ahead will be difficult.
Affordable prescription birth control is an essential part of health
care for millions of women. Making birth control available at no cost
is the single most important step we can take to reduce the number of
unwanted pregnancies. The time has come to provide birth control at no
cost to every woman who wants it.

The first step to making this goal a reality is to make some noise. If
we can get everyone who cares about women's health to sign our
petition demanding no-cost birth control as part of quality American
health care, we have a good chance of making it a reality. Please,
take just 30 seconds now to add your name.

As the Department of Health and Human Services works to implement the
health care law passed by Congress this year, it is going to be facing
pressure from all sides: Health insurance companies. Anti-choice
groups who fought to influence the law, like the United States
Conference of Catholic Bishops. Anti-choice lawmakers. To make sure
women get the care and the birth control they need and deserve, we're
going to have to be loud to be heard, and that's why I need you with
us today.

Help us raise one million voices for no-cost birth control. Sign the
petition — then spread the word to your friends, family, co-workers,
everyone you know who cares about women's health.

Imagine: what if every woman who wanted it could obtain no-cost
prescription birth control? It seems like a simple thing, but it can
change lives. Not just a few. Not just a few thousand. Try millions.
You and I have the ability to change millions of lives for the better
and for decades to come.

That's why Planned Parenthood is reaching out to women and men in
every place there is a need for affordable birth control — which is in
every city and town in America. From college campuses to the
communities that rely on Planned Parenthood health centers, from
Capitol Hill and the White House to Facebook and Twitter, we're
building a movement with a simple but serious message: Birth Control

It's going to be a long fight, and I need to know that you'll stand
with us. We need one million signatures to make sure decision makers
can't ignore us. Be one of the first in a million today.

The truth is, choice is meaningless without access to affordable care.
The recent rise of a new crop of anti-choice extremists shows just how
important it is for people like you and me to stand up for access to
affordable reproductive health care. To protect choice now and
forever, we must give every woman the support she needs to control her
own reproductive health and her life. That's why birth control

Sign your name to our petition, and pass it on. Together, we'll tell
our grandchildren about how we — you and I, james m — made sure that
every woman, everywhere had the means and access to control her future
with birth control.

Thank you for your ongoing support of Planned Parenthood and the
women, men, and teens who rely on us to protect their access to
affordable health care.


Cecile Richards, President
Planned Parenthood Action Fund


© 2010 Planned Parenthood® Action Fund

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