The Jews are taking over world governance from January 1, 2013

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Javed Iqbal Kaleem

Oct 17, 2012, 9:33:00 AM10/17/12

Muslim Brothers & Sisters

Assalamo Alaikum

The return of Jews to holy land as prophesied in Chapter Bani Israel shows that the last era has begun. Growing moral decadence and Godlessness all over confirms this. And the truth of prophesies of blessed prophet (SAW) that you will see sons of shepherds competing in making tall buildings has removed any doubt towards End of Time has drawn nigh.

Imam Mehdi will appear soon and the Dajjal(Anti-Christ) will go to world cities except Makkah and Madinah. Who will provide protection to it is now clear as the Global Government of UNO will ensure that. You know UNO has been instrumental in the boycott of Iraq on a false pretext, resulting in the death of millions of children for want of milk and medicines. This means it is weapon in the hands of powers that be. Once Dajjal has shown its false hold on the supply of food and money, it will declare that it is god. Then hazrat Isa (AS) will descend in Damascus with his hands on the shoulders of angels and will kill dajjal and will rule the world for 40 years.

Therefore it is imperative for us to repent and return to Allah before these major Signs appear. Once any of the signs appears, then repentance will be of no use. Therefore repent, adopt shariat complaint means of living and take care of your parents, family and neighbors. Be punctual in prayers and seek guidance from Quran. In this age of trial and turmoils, guidance will be
provided through Quran. Start from Chaper Repentence (Taubah) to begin with.

You should also hold brain storming sessions to think and ponder ways and
means of saving your faith and life, when you can. May Allah help you!


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