Alcohol treatment in the criminal justice system: Why is the record so poor? Highlight from Effectiveness Bank Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell A5

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13 Jan 2021, 06:56:2313/01/2021
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Drug and Alcohol Findings logo. Click to go to Effectiveness Bank web site Matrix cell
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Highlight from Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell A5 Matrix cell logo
Alcohol treatment in the criminal justice system: Why is the record so poor?
In Britain and internationally, study after study defies the faith placed in alcohol treatment in the criminal justice system as a way to reduce reoffending. Is it that the intensity of the interventions fails to match up to the need among offenders, or is treatment undermined by the contradictions between punishing and helping, segregation and reintegration? Explore the data and the issues, including new (unfold the ‘eye-opener’ panel) material from recent major UK prison studies.

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Why is the record so poor?
A highlight from one of the 25 cells in the Alcohol Treatment Matrix, a staff development resource mapping seminal and key research and guidance on alcohol brief interventions and treatment.

“Makes skills development very accessible – love the fact that they [Drug and Alcohol Treatment Matrices] are truly bite-sized when compared to most other information circulated elsewhere.”
Gill Unstead, Commissioning Manager, Devon Drug and Alcohol Action Team, England

More on the matrices:
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Alcohol Treatment Matrix for brief interventions and treatment for problem drinking.
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Sent via a third-party mailing list by the Drug and Alcohol Findings Effectiveness Bank to alert you to site updates and UK-relevant evaluations of drug/alcohol interventions. Findings is supported by the Society for the Study of Addiction and Alcohol Change UK and advised by the National Addiction Centre.

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