Adapt It WX version 4.1.0 now available

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Bill Martin

Jan 31, 2009, 10:00:33 PM1/31/09
to AdaptIt-Talk
Adapt It WX version 4.1.0 is now available for both Windows and Linux.
Version 4.1.0 adds a number of new features and bug fixes (see below)
since the last release 4.0.4.

Adapt It WX is the open source, cross-platform version of Adapt It
that is based on the wxWidgets framework (hence the WX in the name).

Windows version 4.1.0 downloads are available at:

and should also be available shortly at:

Linux version 4.1.0 packages are available for Ubuntu Hardy and
Intrepid (i386 and lpia architectures) via the following Synaptic
Package Manager repository settings:

deb hardy main or
deb intrepid main

Important Note: If you have previously used version 3.6.4 or earlier
of Adapt It (on Windows) you do NOT need to remove it or uninstall it
from your machine to try out version 4.1.0 of Adapt It. Both can
reside on the same machine at the same time (but you should not be
running them both at the same time). The new Adapt It WX will access
the same data as the old version, and use all the settings from the
old version, so if for some reason, you determine that you want to
revert to using the old version, you can do so (although the old
version may complain about some settings it knows nothing about - such
complaints can be ignored).

What's New in Adapt It WX 4.1.0
Feature changes and new features in 4.1.0
* Sil Converters is now implemented in the Windows port. SIL
Converters must first be installed on the computer to enable Adapt
It's Tools Menu and Advanced Menu items related to SIL Converters. See
SIL Converters documentation for more information.
* The TU elements in the Knowledge Base XML files are now sorted. Some
users requested this change to make Subversion backups more efficient.
* The Knowledge Base Editor now shows only the "All Gloss Words Or
Phrases" tab while Glossing is active.
* Previously, the Knowledge Base Editor would not show a source phrase
entry in its lists if the source phrase reference count was only 1
before the phrase box is placed at that location. In such cases, to
examine a source phrase whose reference count was 1, the user had to
first move the phrase box to a different location and select the
source word/phrase desired for lookup, before invoking the KB Editor.
Now, the source phrase appearing in the phrase box will be looked up,
and found in the KB Editor even if its reference count was 1 before
the KB Editor was invoked.
* The Knowledge Base Editor now automatically looks up the source
phrase at the current location of the phrase box, unless the user has
selected a different source phrase at another location in the text at
the time the Knowledge Base Editor is invoked.
* The "Check Knowledge Base" selection was removed from the File menu.
It was not really needed and only served to make project loading take
* Added "Please wait..." dialog for project loading at the project
page. The saving of KBs was optimized for speed resulting in shorter
wait times when opening a project with very large KBs.
* Change the Restore Knowledge Base functionality so that it avoids
trying to set the adaptations to their punctuation-containing forms.
This prevents any punctuation-placement dialogs from opening during
the restore operation - a useful thing to do because such dialogs have
no useful purpose during restoration of the knowledge base.
* In the event of an error loading an XML adaptation document, the
name of the file being loaded now appears in the title bar of the
message box.
* The Adapt It Reference.doc includes a more complete description of
the enhanced Edit Source Text process and Adapt It's "vertical
editing" process that assists in the process.
Bug fixes in 4.1.0
* The Go To... dialog and many other dialogs now default to the OK
button when the user presses Enter.
* Fixes the problem of pegging the CPU usage at near 100% while Adapt
It is running. Now Adapt It should use less than 1% when the
application is running but sitting in an idle state.
* Fixes a problem in which the View Filtered Material dialog would not
size properly if the list of standard format markers had many markers
in it.
* Fixes a possible spurious error message that can appear when the WX
version reads a legacy project configuration file and the user sets up
Auto Capitalization in the Case page of the Preferences dialog.
* Fixes incorrect double-click behavior of the "Translations..."
listbox in the Choose Translation dialog. Before the fix a double-
click might result in the wrong list item being entered, or the dialog
closing with nothing happening.
* Fixes incorrect behavior of the "Accept <no adaptation> for this
item" button and the "Ignore it, I will fix it later" button in the
"Inconsistency Found" dialog which can pop up in the event of an
inconsistency during a Consistency Check... selection (from the Edit
menu). The bug was causing these two buttons to be the same as
pressing the dialog's "Cancel" button.
* Fixes a bug in vertical editing that resulted in the Choose
Translation dialog appearing twice, the first time with none of the
controls initialized, the second time with initialization done twice
and so the list box had the entries doubled.
* Fixes the following bug: in vertical edit, with glosses being done
before adaptations, the phrase box was not programmatically returned
to the start of the editable span in the adaptations line.
* Ubuntu Intrepid: Fixed the program hang/crash problem that occurred
when opening the Help Topics item on the Help menu in the Linux port
under Ubuntu Intrepid.
* Fixed another bug in the Knowledge Base Editor where look ups of
source phrases composed of two or more merged words could sometimes
result in duplicate entries in the Source Phrase list box.
* Fixes a bug in opening the Knowledge Base Editor from a source text
selection, the item highlighted in the dialog's Source Phrase list
might turn out to be the first item in the list, rather than the one
the user selected in the main window.
* Fixes the following bug: if the user inserted a placeholder before a
word or phrase where standard format markers were stored, and later
did a source text standard format export, then the SF markers at that
location would not be included in the exported data.
* Fixes a bug in the KB Export function that failed to insert end-of-
line characters into the exported KB file (Unicode version only - the
ANSI version did not have the problem).
* Fixes the following bug: if the user selected source text which
begins with an SF marker, such as \q for 'poetry', and in the Edit
Source Text dialog removes all the selection but just leaves the \q
marker in the box, the final result is that there is a white space gap
in the text where the marker is stored (an underlying storage element
with no content except the marker). What the user expects is that the
marker will attach to the first word following the former selection -
and that is now what happens.
* Fixes the following bug introduced at version 4: if the source text
contained two or more words in a merger and there was punctuation
medially within the phrase, if the user did a File / Restore Knowledge
Base operation, when the Place Phrase-Medial Punctuation dialog came
up, the target text shown in the dialog was not the correct text, it
was just whatever contents the phrase box had when the restore
operation was invoked.

Please direct feedback on the new version to (copying all three):
Bill Martin
Bruce Waters
Graeme Costin
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