Please see below
Subject: | Re: Fwd: [basex-talk] BaseX 10.6: Memory | Performance | XQuery 4 |
Date: | Fri, 19 May 2023 18:32:36 +0530 |
From: | Sudarshana Chavan <> |
To: | Naval Sarda <> |
File which you uploaded yesterday is indexed. Please check the screenshot attached, files got indexed. After uploading sitemap file, you need t wait for an hour to files get indexed.
If the file name which is being indexed is already present and it has same URL then we just overwrite that file. If file name in present but URL is not same in that file then file get indexed with appending some string in its name.
We have not indexed any files from our side which you are
noticed. If you want to remove those files then we can remove
Hi Owen,
It looks like you are making great progress.
Just as reference if you were looking to use a conversion service, TopLeaf can provide outputs to PDF, RTF, HTML, epub, and Scorm from the XML.
My suggestion would be to have the PDF, RTF and HTML (shown separately, identified by icon) showing to the right or left of the document name and the user can select whichever output they want. This will reduce stress on server and the need to have TopLeaf running as a service.
I would need to come back to you how this might work in practice as I would need to consult with Jeff first.
Kind Regards
Managing Director - Australia |
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Check out Contiem's most recent mention in Forbes! |
Please see below
Subject: | Re: Fwd: Fwd: Next Steps? |
Date: | Wed, 24 May 2023 17:43:52 +0530 |
From: | Sudarshana Chavan <> |
To: | Naval Sarda <> |
Please see the comments below in BLUE
Epi Comment- If you can provide us static part of the file(listing) and for dynamic part, let us know which columns/fields we will need to fetch from the collection or from the file for which the new item needs to be added in list. Then we can think of the logic and the efforts.See below
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: Next Steps? Date: Tue, 23 May 2023 22:04:05 +0000 (UTC) From: Owen Ambur <> Reply-To: Owen Ambur <> To: Naval Sarda <>
Naval, with regard to the first item, I presume Sudarshana' response means that you believe the document names can be included in the second column in the search results listing without making it too cluttered or taking up too much screen space from the other columns. If so, I am inclinded to go ahead with that project at the cost cited. Epi Comment- Yes, we will start developing this.
Regarding item 2.1, Andre plans to get his portal up and running again within the next few months. In the meantime, I have posted links to the Internet Achives' copies of those pages at See, for example, his StratML statistics page. However, assuming that Andre can make those pages operational again, that reduces the business case for me to duplicate his capabilies -- unless it can be done at pretty low cost. I'm inclined to wait a few months and see what he can do.
Referencing item 2.2, Joe Carmel's StratML catalog sorts the files by Internet domain. The listing includes the Internent domain/subdomain, publication/submission date, name of the organization, name of the document, and an edit link that opens the file in my XForm for Part 2. I don't really want to duplicate all of that logic. However, it would be good to be able to provide a listing of files whose source documents are in the .gov domain.
At some point I would like to stop manually maintaining my listing at Again, I wouldn't expect to duplicate all of the logic of that listing, e.g., the sections referenced via hypelinks at the top of the page. However, I do want to be able to point others directly to documents in the listing, like this. One way of thinking about that project is as a static, persistent hypertext browse listing presentation of a query of the entire database showing the elements to be presented in the query results listing as per item 1.
Please see below
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: Fwd: Next Steps? Date: Tue, 23 May 2023 20:54:30 +0530 From: Sudarshana Chavan <>
To: Naval Sarda <>, Jitendra Shende <>, Balasaheb Pandarkar <>,
Please check our comments in GREEN.
On 5/22/2023 10:04 AM, Naval Sarda wrote:
See below
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Next Steps? Date: Fri, 19 May 2023 15:34:29 +0000 (UTC) From: Owen Ambur <> Reply-To: Owen Ambur <> To: Naval Sarda <> CC: Carroll Ganier <>, Lance Wassmuth <>, Jorge Sanchez <>, Jeff Maynard <>, <>, <>, <>
Naval, all of the new files apparently have now been indexed. Send me an invoice and I'll wire the money for adding the date column to the search results listing.
Let's think about what to do next. Here are some of my thoughts:
- Add the plan/report name to the search results list, in the second column, provided that doing so doesn't make the listing too cluttered or crowded on the screen. Epi-It will take 16 hours
- Create the capability to periodically generate reports that can either automatically or manually be posted on the site, such as
- Statistics on the number of plans/reports, goals, objectives, values, organizations, stakeholders in the collection (similar to the stats that Andre Cusson used to provide). Epi-We will need more information on this. What is exact design of Andre Cusson report so that we can analyse and give you estimates. When we tried accessing it, report did not render.
- Static hypertext/browse listings of the names of the organizations and plans/reports in the collection, to enable me to stop maintaining my listing at as well as Joe Carmel's listing by domain at (The Perl script for the latter seems to have stopped working anyway.) I wouldn't expect an automatically generated listing to include the categorizations present in my manually created listings. Nor do I care to replicate Joe's listing per se. However, it would be good to enable a listing of plans/reports in the .gov domain, and if enabling such a selective listing enables selective listings of other domains as well, that would be fine. One capability I do want to maintain is direct referencing of plans within the listing so that I can point others directly to them in the context of the list, like this. Epi- We tried to understand the logic by which Joe Carmel's listing and others listing is prepared but we could not found any specific pattern for generating this listing. If you could provide us more details of this listing, which listing you want, what content we should take in listing,how to group items etc etc. So that we can understand your requirement.
- Either automatically generate or enable users to click to create PDFs of the files, perhaps by calling a conversion service provided by someone list Turn-Key Systems, e.g., by including a PDF column in the search results listings to the right of the hyperlink icon. (Years ago, Computer Composition of Canada provided such capabilities along with RTF and HTML renditions.)
- Enable graphic display of numerical performance indicators. There aren't currently very many of them in the collection and enabling such capability may be more complexity than we should take on right now. However, it is something to keep in mind down the road. One plan that does include some performance metrics is AMS's, which I just converted in follow up to the meeting convened by Beth Martin. I understand she plans to bring us back together again soon. I hope the timing allows you to join us.s
- Speaking of Beth, we should also be thinking about how to support the Integrated Value Network initiative she is undertaking with Basil White and Ryan Wold. The stratml:Relationship elements could be used but not many of them have been populated yet. There will also be the need for query/discovery services revealing relationships not yet documented. See StratML tool, app, and service requirement Goal 8: Relationships ~
Enable human beings to see and verify candidate relationships identified by automated services and to draft concise narrative descriptions of such relationships as well as to nominate such relationships not previously identified. - Epi-This is a large effort project and will need lot more budget than the search project.
My assumption is that enabling users to dynamically create reports from the database whenever they wish may place too great a burden on the server. However, if that's not true, dynamic reporting capabilities would be great. Epi-It will depend on the Turn-Key Systems. We have not invested their offerings so far.
Any and all comments and suggestions will be most welcome. I'm copying Carroll, Lance, Jeff, Jorge, Chris, and Pradeep in the event they may wish to chime in.
Owen Ambur