Please see below
EPI: Please check attached screenshot. Do you want to shift the total count on top?See below
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Subject: Next Step(s)? Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2023 02:56:46 +0000 (UTC) From: Owen Ambur <> Reply-To: Owen Ambur <> To: Naval Sarda <>
Naval, I wired the payment.
As for what we might do next, a full-text query for periods (.) now turns up 5,714 hits, which presumably is the entire collection. Now that we've added the plan/report name to the search results list, I'm thinking that enabling the entire listing to be saved as an HTML document might be sufficient to relieve me from maintaining my listing at
EPI: Currently we are not using any UID, instead we are using url for indexing. We can assign UID to each entry in XML file by adding one tag like <UID>aaddffghgh</UID> This will be unique for each file. We will need some clarification if we will upload same file again for rewrite and for duplicate entries.In order for that to occur, I think I'd want each of the entries to be numbered (currently from 1 to 5,714) or, at least, I'd want the count to be provided, perhaps at the top of the page. Be that as it may, I definitely would want to be able to refer others directly to each entry in the listing, as I frequently do with my current listing. Over time the sequential numbers in the listing would change as documents are added, but the direct referencing URL extentions for each entry should remain the same so that they continue to work. Perhaps that might require creating a UID for each document/entry. (In my listing, I currently use acronyms but often have to add numbers to them or come up with other acronyms when they are repeated.)
EPI: We can give one export button which will generate HTML file with the listing of searched result. That HTML file will have same data which is looking on screen.
Please let me know what you think about that, and if it makes sense to you, what it might cost.
Thinking out loud, it might be good if any query could be saved as an HTML document by the user. Presumably, if the entire listing could be saved so could any subset produced by any query.
For example, I'd like to be able to generate selective listings of documents in the .gov domain, including subdomains. However, I believe that would require adding another search field for the <Source> element. Currently, a full-text query for ".gov" turns up 2,308 hits but not all of them are actually .gov documents. (A full-text query for subdomains, e.g.,, works better.)
Please let me know what adding that feature would cost.
EPI: We can give search functionality on web application, on clicking of column name sorting will work. Then sorted list can be exported in HTML file.
It would also be good to be able to limit search results to non-profit, tax-favored orgs. However, that isn't possible since they are not consistently identified as such in the documents. For example, a full-text query for "501(c)(3)" turns up only 169 hits and there are many more that are not explicitly identified as such.
If we do decide to enable saving of HTML listings, it might be good to:
a) include alphabetical links at the top of the page to enable users to jump to the section they'd like to see without having to scroll to get there, and/or
b) enable the listings to be sorted by date by clicking on that column heading.
The latter feature would also be nice to have in the dynamic search results listings but I don't know how feasible that might be.