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Second-Party Services

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Owen Ambur

Feb 28, 2023, 9:10:28 PM2/28/23
to Naval Sarda,, Kranthi Kiran,, Kurt Conrad,
Hey, guys, check out my posting on LinkedIn about peer-based content moderation.  

While the study authors recommend focusing on the content rather than the individuals posting it, it occurs to me that allowing second-parties to index "about them" statements in StratML-enabled query services might be a premium, paid feature at

That's just a wild thought at this point and nothing on which I intend to try to act anytime soon, but FYI for whatever it might be worth at some point in the future.

In the meantime, the Center for Growth and Opportunity's about statement is now included in the StratML collection and indexed in the query service.  

The query service also reveals that CGO is a stakeholder for the Stand Together Chamber of Commerce.

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