Hi Owen,
We have implemented new logic for searching. Now it will work as per your expectations.
For Full text search, identifiers are not implemented as it will
slow down the search feature immensely and it is hard to
Organisation based sorting is pending.
Rest all the search related functionality is complete.
Organizations at http://stratml.hyperbase.com/guid-organizations.htmlObjectives at http://stratml.hyperbase.com/guid-objectives.html
Chris Fox = 2 hitsChris F = 11 hitsFox = 50 hits
strat = 873 (including results for words like "administrative")strate = 633strateg = 633strategi = 467strategic = 334strategy = 267strategies = 172
a) including those that others have created, andb) directly referencing them in your app.
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BTW, since I created most of them, most of the plans that are public in your app are probably already indexed in the query service. However, at some point we should explore prospects for:a) including those that others have created, andb) directly referencing them in your app.I suspect there may be complications in doing so. However, the points I want to demonstrate are that StratML files should be posted on the organization's own websites (or intemediary sites they choose to use) and the query service should index and reference them whereever they reside on the Web.
a) validation against the schema,b) confirmation of the submission by the submitter, e.g., via a link sent to the submitter's E-mail address; andc) review/approval for indexing by adminstrators.
Chris, I want to make sure the basic query service is working properly before taking on additional complexity. So I'm not aiming to automate the ingestion of files from other sites at this point, e.g., via an API.
For example, while the copy of your plan on the stratml.us site is already indexed in the query service, I see that a more recent update is available at https://www.stratnavapp.com/StratML/Part1/5509a8d6-32f5-440d-a1bd-48f33bc9a252/Styled
Naval, perhaps some of the programming logic enabling me to import files could be reused and extended to enable other, non-authenticated users to submit files for:a) validation against the schema,b) confirmation of the submission by the submitter, e.g., via a link sent to the submitter's E-mail address; andc) review/approval for indexing by adminstrators.
Hi Owen,
We have resolved issue of searching keywords with
.(DOT). Now searching is working with exact phrases.
Sorting is not yet working properly but we are working on it.
Regarding basic feature of importing xml files, as earlier said we
have two options for it.
1. Importing through FTP- Multiple files can be imported through this option. You can upload files in one particular folder from where our program will pick files one by one. After that another program will validate format of file content and remove unwanted tags and attribute from the file to make file suitable for indexing. Then file will get saved at desired locations. This process will run periodically after every 30 min or so. This will take 30 hours.
2. Importing through web UI- Only one file can be imported through this. This will take extra 12 hours for authentication feature + uploading file functionality. Total will be 30 + 12 = 42 hours. This will cover bulk importing through FTP as well.
Also note that file name needs to be same in case you are updating existing record. In case, name is changed, then it will be treated as new record.
Regarding ingestion through API, we need to decide on identifying for existing records some how.
So estimates 1 covers the base as such and all other
modes of insertion will be adding to it. So Estimates 2 includes
work done in estimate 1. So with few additional hours, we can add
more modes on insertion. You have mentioned approval process for
anonymous submission. Here if you need admin UI for approval, it
will cost more. You can instead get an email for approval and
click the link to approve after reviewing externally.
a) the confirmation process for other submitters can be added on later, and/orb) I do eventually gain cPanel access to the VPS and can use it for bulk imports.
Hi Owen,
Current price quoted is for file validation against XSD, removing characters which baseX does not like and importing into Basex automatically. It does not matter if file / files are uploading through cpanel or FTP. Cpanel does provide interface like File Manager to upload files. It is alternative to FTP transfer.
Also by bulk upload via FTP is actully uploading files to a folder and scheduler to pick whichever files posted in that posted. So it really does not matter whether single file is uploading at one go or more than one file is uploaded.
So cost will remain same $540 for FTP / Cpanel import (single or
Yes initial cost was $3800.
And you have paid additional for separate project $432
Let me know if we should start implementing FTP import feature.
Hi Owen,
We tried to analyze false positive records of full text
search of .gov. We have used inbuilt function for comparing search
keyword in whole text of xml file. This inbuilt function
internally takes texts of all tags in file and concatenate all
these text with each other. While concatenating text that function
do not add any space in-between two texts. Due to this if there is
one tag which is having text with "full stop(.)" and next tag has
keyword like "Government" then concatenated text becomes
In this way if we search ".gov", these record comes in result.
To resolve this scenario, we can't use inbuilt function and that will reduce the performance of search. Such scenarios might be rare in general. It is advised to ignore this scenario in interest of speed of full text search.
Hi Owen,
Full search text mentioned below has been addressed. Please review. Also sorting based on organisation is done. Since all the files are imported on same date, sorting by date is not feasible to implement.