If the RFI responses are available on the Web and particularly if they have been categorized under broader goals and assigned to agencies, I'd like to consider rendering them in StratML Part 2, Performance Plan/Report, format and documenting the administration's responses to each of them, as performance indicators for each objective.
With respect to agency feedback on the recommendations from the public, I'll look forward to seeing how the adminstration plans to facilitate that in the pilot. However, one way to do so would be to use the specialized StratML stylesheet to enable mailto comment links to address responses to a discussion forum, like the one I'm demonstrating at
Do you know if the RFI responses are available on the Web and/or how the adminstration's responses to them will be documented and shared?
BTW, it still needs a significant amount of refinement but Naval and his colleagues are developing a StratML query service for me. When it is in relatively good shape, I plan to host it at
https://aboutthem.info/ In the meantime, you can check it out at A Stakeholder query on your name turns up six hits. However, one of them is an example of one of the ways in which the logic of the service needs to be refined, because it conflates the names of others who share one of your two names (i.e., "Nick" & "Hart") but not both of them, in proper order (i.e., your name).
If the RFI responses have been captured in spreadsheet format, Gaya may be able to help me transform them into StratML format. She's currently working to do that for
South Carolina's agency accountability reports. Needless to say, it's a bit of a slog due to issues with the data in the Excel spreadsheets.